


Contact: Laurie Laker 

(c) 612-741-0662 



(St. Paul) – February 27, 2025 – Nurses of the Minnesota Nurses Association today announced their endorsement of David Gottfried for the House District 40B special election of the Minnesota House of Representatives. The election will be held on March 11, 2025. 

Candidates who receive endorsements are recognized for their commitment to standing with nurses and addressing the pressing challenges facing both healthcare professionals and patients. To secure this support, candidates must demonstrate a clear dedication to improving working conditions for nurses, strengthening patient care, and resisting the increasing corporatization and consolidation of the healthcare system.
… Read more about: Nurses announce endorsement for Minnesota House District 40B special election  »

By Deb Meyer, RN, MNA Governmental Affairs Commissioner

On October 24, I was invited to join a round table with the United States Assistant Attorney General (AAG) Jonathan Kanter. As an MNA Governmental Affairs Commissioner, this was an opportunity to continue in my leadership role and explain how corporatization affects Minnesota communities. It was an awesome experience!

Small business owners, farmers and a variety of other people told their stories. He really listened to everyone. My focus was on the Sanford/Fairview merger and how Worthington Regional Hospital changed after it was bought by Sanford. 
… Read more about: The corporatization of our communities: How nurses can speak out and make change  »


Contact: Sam Fettig
(c) 612-741-0662

Lauren Nielsen
(c) 651-376-9709

Endorsed candidates have pledged to work with nurses on key issues like the Keeping Nurses at the Bedside Act 

(St. Paul) – August 23, 2022 – Nurses of the Minnesota Nurses Association today endorsed 20 additional candidates in races for 2022 elections. These endorsees include 19 running for the Minnesota Legislature, including candidates recognized for their various levels of leadership and partnership with nurses to make progress on issues important to nurses and patients.
… Read more about: Nurses endorse twenty candidates in legislative, local races   »


Contact: Lauren Nielsen
(o) 651-414-2862
(c) 651-376-9709

Shannon Cunningham
(o) 651-414-2838
(c) 651-269-1418

(St. Paul) – August 11, 2021 – The Board of Directors of the Minnesota Nurses Association is proud to announce the endorsement of Melvin Carter for St. Paul Mayor. The endorsement process included a candidate questionnaire and an interview with Carter by a local screening committee of nurse members who live and work in St. Paul. Those nurses made a recommendation to the nurse-elected MNA Board for the endorsement of Melvin Carter.
… Read more about: MNA Nurses Endorse Melvin Carter for St. Paul Mayor  »

The 2020 elections are some of the most important in American history, particularly so since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Fortunately, voters do not need to risk their safety to make their voices heard at the ballot box. In Minnesota, voters can easily vote from home by following a few simple steps.

Complete the 2020 Minnesota Absentee Ballot Application online at www.mnvotes.org or return the absentee ballot application to your county election office by mail, fax, or email. Once the application is submitted, election officials will send you the election materials starting on Friday, September 18.

It is important that you promptly fill out your ballot and get it in the mail because it needs to be received by Election Day on November 3.
… Read more about: Vote safely by mail in Minnesota  »

By Kristina Maki, RN

MNA Nurse Educator

MNA Nurse

It is surreal working as a nurse right now, right?  I am struggling to keep up with all the changes to practice; they seem to be happening daily.  Who’d have thought we’d be talking about reusing N95s, much less having to discuss using cloth masks…

I hate the ideas of cloth masks.  I know that it might come down to having to use them at some point, which makes me really angry.  Truthfully, it scares me to think that our only source of protection is a simple cloth over our faces. 
… Read more about: Cloth masks, really?  »

nurse workplace violence

By Jackie Russell, RN JD

Nursing Practice and Regulatory Affairs Specialist


The Commission on Nursing Practice and Education (“NP&E”) met on May 16, 2019 at the MNA office in Saint Paul. With so many changes in nursing practice as a result of Lean management and short staffing, the NP&E has recently made it a top priority of the commission to write three position papers or FAQs on relevant nursing practice topics before the end of the year.  The exact topics have not been decided, yet. Is there a practice issue you would like to see addressed? Email me at Jackie.Russell@mnnurses.org.
… Read more about: Nursing Practice and Education Commission Addresses Workplace Violence  »

nurse workplace violence

By Jackie Russell, RN JD

Nursing Practice and Regulatory Affairs Specialist


On the CDC website there is a Workplace Violence Prevention for Nurses Course (CDC Course No. WB2908–NIOSH Pub. No. 2013-155). It’s free. It’s interactive. (here’s the link to attend:  https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/violence/training_nurses.html) It’s designed to “help healthcare workers better understand the scope and nature of violence in the workplace.” And it hasn’t been updated since 2016 (last reviewed, 2017).

If you take the course, you will learn the definition, types, and prevalence of violence; workplace violence consequences; risk factors for type II and III violence; prevention strategies for organizations; prevention strategies for nurses; and a post event response.
… Read more about: What Is Workplace Violence Prevention?  »

By Carrie Mortrud, RN

MNA Project Specialist


Ok, by now, you’ve probably heard the ignorant and irresponsible comments of Washington state Senator Maureen Walsh who attacked all nurses by opposing a bill aimed at guaranteeing breaks and stopping mandatory overtime.

Walsh unwisely said this while the Washington state Senate considered SHB 1155, which would provide nurses with uninterrupted meal and rest breaks.

“I would submit to you that those nurses probably do get breaks,” Walsh said on the Senate floor. “They probably play cards for a considerable amount of the day.”

Despite the ridiculousness of her comments, that doesn’t mean that every MNA member shouldn’t take something away from this ignorant comment, even though the Senator has said she regrets the remark (ironically, she claimed she was “tired” from no breaks at the Capitol.
… Read more about: Nurses Can Still Learn Something from Know-Nothing Politician  »

By Diane McLaughlin, RN

Commission of Active Retired Nurses & Government Affairs Commissioner


It is so inspiring to see about 100 MNA nurses from all over Minnesota come together and speak up for patients with our legislators at the Capitol during the annual Day on the Hill this year.

The Feb. 11-12 event was as rewarding and inspiring as ever.

After an evening of socializing and training, we met with our own representatives and senators to use our voices as citizen lobbyists to talk about the issues impacting our patients and our profession.

I met with Rep.
… Read more about: One Word for MNA’s Nurses Day on the Hill: Phenomenal  »