Action (Page 5)

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nurse workplace violence

By Jackie Russell, RN JD

Nursing Practice and Regulatory Affairs Specialist


Carrie Mortrud, RN

Nurse Staffing Specialist

“You need to work more efficiently!”

“You need to work smarter!”

“You need to work overtime!”


It’s called blaming the victim and all are highly inappropriate and unacceptable employer responses following an assault. Victim blaming is a poor defense. In fact, there is no good defense for assault. No excuses either.

The employer must stop blaming the employee-victim for an assault. The employer must take responsibility for their employees’ safety.

By Diane McLaughlin, RN

Commission of Active Retired Nurses & Government Affairs Commissioner


It is so inspiring to see about 100 MNA nurses from all over Minnesota come together and speak up for patients with our legislators at the Capitol during the annual Day on the Hill this year.

The Feb. 11-12 event was as rewarding and inspiring as ever.

After an evening of socializing and training, we met with our own representatives and senators to use our voices as citizen lobbyists to talk about the issues impacting our patients and our profession.

I met with Rep.
… Read more about: One Word for MNA’s Nurses Day on the Hill: Phenomenal  »

By Candy Matzke, RN

MNA Member, GAC Commissioner


January 19, 2019. It feels like last weekend and yet so far away! I was a proud MNA member who joined nurses from all over the country, as well as may other coalitions.  We were mainly women-oriented or justice-oriented activists, and I saw men there too with pink, feminist hats and t-shirts stating they were supporters of the movement of women and their causes.


Because of the shutdown, when I got to DC, there was no traffic.  There were no tourists visiting the Smithsonian. It was a strange feeling, until I saw my peeps, the NNU nurses, my fellow MNA nurses, the “Me too” movement, the Black Lives Matter folks, Planned Parenthood, my LGBTQ and IA Now folks (inclusion and unity). 
… Read more about: Women’s March in DC with NNU  »

By Shannon Paysse and Kyle Zelinske

MNA Essentia Health-St. Joseph’s Medical Center Co-Chairs


When our SEIU colleagues at Essentia Health-St. Joseph’s Medical Center in Brainerd asked MNA nurses to support them over a costly change to their health insurance last year, we wasted no time assisting them.


Essentia Health’s decision to change health insurance in Brainerd put SEIU workers in a precarious position. Their contract contained a cap on how much the employer paid in premiums, something nurses had previously negotiated out of their contract. SEIU workers faced much higher family premium costs as a result of the change in health insurance.
… Read more about: MNA nurses have our union colleagues’ backs  »

By Katie Gjertson

MNA Political Coordinator


Nurses are active in their communities and members of lots of different organizations, faith groups, and non-profits. Two MNA partners groups, the Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-MN) and ISAIAH are powerfully working to fight back against the racism, Islamophobia, and the rise of hate groups in Minnesota.

Late last year, ISAIAH and CAIR-MN released a report titled “Minnesota’s Anti-Muslim Propaganda Mill.” The research project exposes the complex network of relationships behind the financing, production and distribution of hate and fear-mongering propaganda–specifically anti-Muslim propaganda in Minnesota. The report also details the policy agenda of those affiliated with these groups, notably an anti-union agenda.
… Read more about: We Are Greater Than Fear  »

From the MNA Board of Directors

Q. Why are we taking this vote?

A: National Nurses United members are expected to vote to change their dues structure to reduce the dues MNA now pays by 50 percent at their House of Delegates this coming weekend. MNA’s bylaws require an all-member vote and set a very specific process for issues involving dues, which your Board of Directors is complying with. This process can only be changed by the MNA House of Delegates.

Q: How will this affect the dues I pay to MNA?

A: If a majority of members vote in favor of simplifying the dues structure, your total monthly dues will not change.
… Read more about: Dues Structure Vote Q&A  »

From the MNA Board of Directors:

Safe staffing has been a top priority of MNA nurses for many years.

MNA nurses have fought for safe staffing levels at the bargaining table, in the Legislature, and with the public, with some successes.

However, short staffing remains a serious problem in Minnesota hospitals.

According to the MNA Concern for Safe Staffing Form annual report for 2017, an increasing number of nurses reported instances of short staffing. They reported that patients were harmed, or in the nurse’s professional opinion, patients did not receive the safe and quality care they required due to short staffing.
… Read more about: Vote to Invest in Safe Staffing  »

By Carrie Mortrud, RN

MNA Policy Project Specialist

Imagine this scenario.

You arrive at work at 3 p.m. and receive your 4-patient assignment. You begin reading about your patients prior to receiving report from the nurses on the day shift who cared for them before you. From the patient Kardex’s and flow sheets (I just dated myself) it seems as though this 4-patient assignment might be too much, unsafe, unrealistic, and impossible to progress the plan of care for the patients. Still, you reserve judgement until you hear from the nurses who cared for them during the day.

Patient 1 is heavy.
… Read more about: Whose decision is it anyway?  »

By Jackie O’Shea

MNA Political Organizer


Politics affects every part of our lives to the point where I believe it can be overwhelming for people. Minnesota’s political landscape this year is large; the amount of work to be done is extremely daunting; there are too many elections; and there’s not enough time to pay attention, much less volunteer for all of them. However, every election, no matter how big or small, is extremely important. I understand why some voters need to tune it out. It’s too much for me at times, and it’s my job to pay attention.
… Read more about: Parting the Political Fog  »


By Jackie O’Shea

MNA Political Organizer

Elections are the root of our democracy, and saying 2018 is going to be a hectic year politically is an understatement. In Minnesota, there are open races for Governor and Lieutenant Governor; statewide races for Attorney General, Auditor, and Secretary of State and a US Senator; eight U.S. Congressional races, and 134 seats in the Minnesota House of Representatives all up for re-election this year. Plus, other important local races, including city council seats, school board commissioners, and county elected positions are up for grabs.


Electing nurse champions is the important first step towards the main goal of our political organizing, which is passing legislation.
… Read more about: Holding Our Democracy Accountable  »