Bargaining (Page 3)

NOTE: Release has been updated since this morning to now include video, quotations, and background from the action Twin Ports nurses held this afternoon.

Contact: Sam Fettig
(c) 612-741-0662

While hospital executives make millions, crisis in hospitals worsens on their watch

VIDEO [PART 1, PART 2]: Watch the press conference Twin Cities nurses held this morning.
VIDEO [LINK]: Watch the press conference Twin Ports nurses held this afternoon.

(St. Paul) – August 2, 2022 – Nurses with the Minnesota Nurses Association at seven hospitals in the Twin Cities and Twin Ports today announced that they have voted “No Confidence” in their CEOs and other top executives.
… Read more about: UPDATED: Nurses at seven Twin Cities, Twin Ports hospitals vote “No Confidence” in leadership as retention and care crisis worsens  »

Nurses at Avera Marshall Medical Center announced on June 13 that they won a new contract, following eight months of sustained negotiations by nurses after their previous contract expired on September 30, 2021.

The new contract was won under a strong organizing effort by Marshall nurses, including an informational picket in April where we and the Marshall community came together to demand that hospital executives put patients before profits, to put community care before corporate policies and cost-cutting that are driving nurses away from the bedside and that negatively impact patient care.  

“We have made a lot of positive changes that we are excited about and hope will help retain our nurses and attract others to come work at Avera Marshall.
… Read more about: Marshall nurses win new contract in fight to retain nurses, put patients before profits at Avera Marshall Medical Center  »


Contact: Sam Fettig
(o) 651-414-2863
(c) 612-741-0662

Lauren Nielsen
(o) 651-414-2862
(c) 651-376-9709

Nurses have been working without a contract since Essentia purchased the facility in 2020 and executives refused to recognize nurses’ existing contract

Nurses will picket to oppose Essentia’s anti-union, corporate healthcare agenda and to demand a fair resolution to contract negotiations

(Moose Lake) – June 22, 2022 – Nurses with the Minnesota Nurses Association at Essentia Health’s Moose Lake Hospital today announced their intent to picket on Tuesday, June 28, 2022, outside of the hospital.
… Read more about: Moose Lake nurses announce intent to picket Essentia hospital after two years with no contract   »

It’s time to show your MNA member pride on social media and get your friends, family and community to show their support during your negotiations, picketing on June 1 and beyond!

Social Media Profile Picture  

Use this graphic as your profile picture on Facebook and Twitter and as a post on Instagram. Then encourage your followers to use it as their profile and share on Instagram too! 

Step 1: Right-click the image and choose “Save Link As” 

Step 2: Follow these instructions to change your Facebook profile picture and these instructions to change your Twitter profile picture  

Step 3: Share the image on your social media profile and encourage your followers to change their profile pictures (see below for sample copy) 

Step 4: Tag MNA in your posts Twitter @MNNurses Instagram @MinnesotaNurses Facebook @MinnesotaNurses    

Sample Social Media Copy 

Stand with nurses!
… Read more about: Tell Minnesotans: Stand with Nurses!  »

Nurses and support staff are not cogs on a wheel. We are the engine that drives the car, and a car without an engine is worthless. A CEO and management team who do not understand this fact will undervalue the very thing that drives the success of their organization. 

The future of this hospital matters. For so many years it has been a point of pride to be a Children’s employee, but lately it seems the “business of healthcare” has reached the corporate point of no return. We now seem to be a business first and a hospital second.
… Read more about: It’s Nurses Week and I challenge Children’s Leadership to BE AMAZING!   »

By Laura Sayles

MNA Government Affairs Specialist


Last Tuesday, MNA nurses staged informational pickets at Essentia St. Mary’s and St. Luke’s hospitals in Duluth.  The nurses that work at those hospitals have been working without a contract since June of this year.  They’ve been in negotiations with management but because they were unable to make headway to come to a solution that works for nurses and the hospital management, nurses want patients to know the nurses’ contract affects the care they receive.


MNA nurses made the decision to stage an informational picket when they felt that their voices weren’t being heard in negotiations. 
… Read more about: The Power of Collective Action: Duluth Informational Pickets  »

After multiple contract negotiating sessions, MNA nurses in the Twin Ports are turning to the public in their campaign for a fair contract.

Nurses at Essentia and St. Luke’s hospitals in Duluth and Superior packed the July 8 Duluth City Council meeting to share their concerns and ask for councilors’ support as they negotiate new contracts. Their current contracts expired June 30.

Nearly 200 nurses filled the council chamber and hallways as four MNA members and MNA Executive Director Rose Roach addressed councilors about their concerns about patient care, scheduling the appropriate number of nurses to care for patients, and workplace safety.
… Read more about: Spectacular show of solidarity  »

Contact:  Rick Fuentes
(o) 651-414-2863
(c) 612-741-0662

Barb Brady
(o) 651-414-2849
(c) 651-202-0845

(St. Paul) – May 22, 2019 – Members of the Minnesota Nurses Association in the Metro area are picketing selected hospitals to take their issues to the hospitals. Today, nurses from across the Twin Cities targeted Children’s Hospital in Minneapolis. Negotiations between nurses and hospitals have stalemated over a new contract, even though their contract expires on May 31.

“Nurses have felt disrespected at the bargaining table, and they feel they have to take the issues of workplace safety to the hospitals’ front door,” said Doreen McIntyre, a nurse at Children’s Hospital in Minneapolis.
… Read more about: Press Release: Twin Cities Nurses Picket Hospitals for Safety, Benefits  »

nurse workplace violence

By Jackie Russell, RN JD

Nursing Practice and Regulatory Affairs Specialist


On the CDC website there is a Workplace Violence Prevention for Nurses Course (CDC Course No. WB2908–NIOSH Pub. No. 2013-155). It’s free. It’s interactive. (here’s the link to attend: It’s designed to “help healthcare workers better understand the scope and nature of violence in the workplace.” And it hasn’t been updated since 2016 (last reviewed, 2017).

If you take the course, you will learn the definition, types, and prevalence of violence; workplace violence consequences; risk factors for type II and III violence; prevention strategies for organizations; prevention strategies for nurses; and a post event response.
… Read more about: What Is Workplace Violence Prevention?  »

By Rick Fuentes

MNA Communications Specialist


Metro MNA members are taking their stories to the public. MNA has been advertising on I Heart Media radio stations and digital platforms about the issues nurses face every day at the bedside. On-air staff at I Heart Media have been very supportive of Metro nurses, especially K102’s Amy James, KDWB’s Dave Ryan, and KFAN’s Justin Guaard.




Of course, no one can tell the nurses’ stories better than the nurses. The first ad was voiced by Abbott Recovery Room nurse, Becky Nelson. 
… Read more about: Heard the New Radio Ad?  »