

Contact: Amber Smigiel
(c) 651-202-0845

Lauren Bloomquist
(c) 651-376-9709

The plan is in violation of the Collective Bargaining Agreement and could be counter to the Minnesota Nurse Practice Act
… Read more about: Nurses from Allina’s Abbott Northwestern Hospital release statement on new unsafe patient admissions plan, send cease-and-desist to management  »

(St. Paul) – July 3, 2024 – Nurses with the Minnesota Nurses Association (MNA) are releasing a statement about their concerns regarding a new patient admissions plan that Allina’s Abbott Northwestern Hospital plans to begin on July 11, 2024. The hospital announced they will implement a “15 Minutes to Comfort Plan” that unilaterally seizes the authority of charge nurses to determine the number of patients a unit can safely care for and allows management to force patients onto unprepared units.


Contact: Sam Fettig, MNA

Josh Keller, SEIU MN

Marisa Powell Zengin, Doctors Council

Planned closures of ICU and pediatric inpatient beds at Mercy Hospital and Unity Campus follow a pattern of corporate priorities by Allina executives 
(St. Paul) – March 13, 2024 – Community members, healthcare providers and workers with the Doctors Council, Minnesota Nurses Association (MNA), and SEIU Healthcare Minnesota & Iowa today raised the alarm on the devastating impact on patients, workers, and the community of Allina executives’ planned closures at Mercy Hospital – Unity Campus in Fridley and Mercy Hospital in Coon Rapids.
… Read more about: Healthcare providers, workers sound alarm on impact of Allina corporate closures to patients, community  »


Contact: Sam Fettig, MNA
sam.fettig@mnnurses.orgJosh Keller, SEIU MN

Marisa Powell Zengin, Doctors Council

Speakers to address impact of ICU and pediatric inpatient closures at Mercy Hospital and Unity Campus, pattern of corporate priorities by Allina executives   

(St. Paul) – March 13, 2024 – Today, Wednesday, March 13, 2024, nurses with the Minnesota Nurses Association (MNA) will join Allina physicians with the Doctors Council and healthcare workers with SEIU Healthcare Minnesota & Iowa to highlight the devastating impact on patients, workers, and the community of Allina executives’ plan to close the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at Mercy Hospital – Unity Campus in Fridley, and to eliminate pediatric inpatient beds at Mercy Hospital in Coon Rapids.
… Read more about: Healthcare providers, workers to speak out on impact of Allina corporate closures to patients, community  »


Contact: Sam Fettig
(c) 612-741-0662

Lauren Bloomquist
(c) 651-376-9709

Nurses seek a seat at the table amid corporate healthcare closures, to protect care and working conditions for nurses and patients  

[WATCH] Newly organized nurses held a livestream today to celebrate their union vote. Watch here. (St. Paul) – February 29, 2024 – Nurses employed at the Allina Health Cancer Institute (AHCI) Wednesday celebrated the overwhelming vote of nurses there to join together in a union, represented by the Minnesota Nurses Association (MNA).
… Read more about: Allina Health Cancer Institute nurses vote overwhelmingly for union with MNA  »


Contact: Sam Fettig
(c) 612-741-0662

Lauren Bloomquist
(c) 651-376-9709

Latest consolidation underscores need to hold executives accountable to patient needs, not corporate greed  

(St. Paul) – February 13, 2024 – Today, Allina Health executives announced their plan to close Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and surgical services at Mercy Hospital – Unity Campus in Fridley, and to close pediatric inpatient beds at Mercy Hospital in Coon Rapids. In a letter delivered to the Minnesota Nurses Association (MNA) today, Allina executives stated their intent to lay off 63 MNA full-time equivalent (FTE) Registered Nurse positions at Unity Campus by June of this year as a result of these closures.
… Read more about: Allina executives continue corporate assault on patient care access with closures at Mercy Hospital and Unity Campus  »


Contact: Amber Smigiel
(c) 651-202-0845

Nurses to picket amid concerns about Allina’s proposed nursing staff reductions and recent closures

(St. Paul) – October 25, 2023 – Tomorrow, Thursday, October 26, 2023, nurses with the Minnesota Nurses Association will provide media availability during their informational picket outside Abbott Northwestern, Mercy, and United hospitals. In addition, they will hold a press conference at the United picket line at 2 p.m. with Allina nurses, labor leaders and elected officials. They are speaking out as Allina continues to close services essential to local communities and ignore nurses’ concerns about the outcomes of Allina’s current benchmarking plans.
… Read more about: REVISED: Nurses at Allina hospitals in the Twin Cities Metro to hold press conference, media availability during informational picket  »


Contact: Amber Smigiel(c)

Nurses concerned these efforts will lead to cutting corners on patient care and increased staffing turnover

(St. Paul) – October 19, 2023 – Nurses with the Minnesota Nurses Association have filed an intent to picket on Thursday, October 26, outside Abbott Northwestern, Mercy, and United hospitals. Nurses are speaking out as Allina continues to close services essential to local communities and ignore nurses’ concerns about the outcomes of Allina’s current benchmarking plans.

These profit-driven decisions deny nurses and patients the resources needed to ensure safe staffing and quality patient care at the bedside, betraying Allina’s promise to serve the communities in which they operate as a nonprofit entity.
… Read more about: Nurses at Allina hospitals in the Twin Cities Metro to picket amid concerns about proposed nursing staff reductions and recent closures  »

Contact:  Lauren Nielsen
(c) 651-376-9709

(St. Paul) – September 22, 2023 – On Thursday, an overwhelming majority of Allina’s Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE) voted to be represented by the Minnesota Nurses Association.

“The conditions of our work have become unsustainable, as Allina has left us chronically short-staffed, leading to a high turnover rate. This means we can’t always respond to victims of violence, leaving them to either go to another hospital system or wait hours for a specialized nurse to respond. We want to be there for our patients who need our services, which is why we voted to have a collective voice in our workplace by unionizing with MNA,” said Stephanie Gunderson, an Allina SANE RN.
… Read more about: Allina Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners vote to affiliate with Minnesota Nurses Association  »


Contact: Sam Fettig
(o) 651-414-2863
(c) 612-741-0662

Lauren Nielsen
(o) 651-414-2862
(c) 651-376-9709

First-of-its-kind public hearing is the result of a new law championed by MNA

(St. Paul) – November 18, 2021 – This evening, Minnesota Nurses Association members joined more than 60 participants in a virtual public hearing on Allina Health’s plan to close labor and delivery services at Regina Hospital in Hastings. This cost-cutting move by Allina will negatively impact patient care and the community, as people going into labor will now need to travel an additional 23 miles to St.
… Read more about: Nurses, community object to Allina consolidation plan which will negatively impact patient care, nurse staffing  »