Press Release: Nurses endorse Keith Ellison for Attorney General (Page 37)


Contact: Barb Brady
(office) 651-414-2849
(cell) 651-202-0845

Rick Fuentes
(office) 651-414-2863
(cell) 612-741-0662

(St. Paul) – August 24, 2018 – The Board of Directors of the Minnesota Nurses Association has voted to endorse Congress member Keith Ellison in his bid to be Minnesota’s next Attorney General. Nurses based their decision on Ellison’s years of continued support for healthcare and justice policies and confidence that Ellison would use the Attorney General’s office to act as the consumer advocate that fights to increase Minnesotans’ access to affordable and accessible health care.

“Keith Ellison has literally been with nurses every step of the way,” said Mary C. Turner, president of the Minnesota Nurses Association. “Keith has walked with us on the picket line and stood up for healthcare for all, worker rights, a livable wage, and taxes on Wall Street. He’s always been there.”

While in Congress, Ellison has been a sponsor of the Inclusive Prosperity Act (H.R. 1144/S. 434) that establishes a tax on the sale of bonds, stocks, and derivatives to fund environmental protections, healthcare, and student debt relief. The Minneapolis Congressional member also became the lead sponsor of the Medicare for All bill (HR 676), which would establish a Single Payer healthcare system.

“MNA looks forward to working with Ellison and the Attorney General’s office on issues like the non-profit status of health care plans, more transparent medical billing practices, and ensuring that drug companies and health insurance companies are putting the patient at the forefront of their work,” Turner said.



Contact: Barb Brady
(office) 651-414-2849
(cell) 651-202-0845

Rick Fuentes
(office) 651-414-2863
(cell) 612-741-0662

(St. Paul) – August 24, 2018 – The Board of Directors of the Minnesota Nurses Association has voted to endorse Congress member Keith Ellison in his bid to be Minnesota’s next Attorney General. Nurses based their decision on Ellison’s years of continued support for healthcare and justice policies and confidence that Ellison would use the Attorney General’s office to act as the consumer advocate that fights to increase Minnesotans’ access to affordable and accessible health care.
… Read more about: Press Release: Nurses endorse Keith Ellison for Attorney General  »

By Amanda Madison, RN, MNA Digital Political Organizer

You can’t deny it – Erin Murphy is someone special. True to her nursing roots, Erin Murphy cares deeply about all of us and works harder than anyone for the future of our great state. She’s in it for the right reasons. She’s genuine and passionate. She’s a committed champion for healthcare for all and our freedom to join together in union and collectively bargain. It’s Erin Murphy’s authenticity and grit that win over just about everyone she encounters. It’s why so many MNA members chose to endorse her last fall, and why the MNA Board of Directors chose to dedicate an unprecedented amount of time and resources to getting her elected.
… Read more about: Are you ready?  »

By Megan Gavin

MNA Education Specialist


I’ve knocked a few doors in my life, but this weekend I had the best conversations with voters I’ve ever had!

I talked to one man in his early 30s who wasn’t sure who he was voting for. I told him why I was supporting DFL State Rep. Erin Murphy for Governor. I asked this voter what issues mattered to him. He started by saying immigration. He talked about his work and said that it relied on immigrants’ labor. He was concerned about the efforts to curb immigration. He paused, and then he asked me if I knew Erin’s position on, in his words, “protecting his marriage.” I listened as he explained to me that some people don’t want him to be able to stay with his partner.
… Read more about: Doorknocking for Erin Murphy  »

By Stefanie Asante-Totimeh, RN

Government Affairs Commissioner


As nurses, we are advocates and leaders who continually work on behalf of our patients and community. We are also involved in decisions that affect our workplace and communities when we partake actively in our union and our workplace.

The professional nursing population provides a unique perspective. We celebrate our differences, and, in turn, we are at the forefront of providing patient-centered care and decisions. How then does political awareness come into play with nursing?

Political awareness as a nurse does not necessarily mean being affiliated with a political party.
… Read more about: Nursing and Political Awareness  »

By Shannon Cunningham

MNA Director of Governmental and Community Relations


Nurses believed that Erin Murphy would be Minnesota’s DFL endorsed candidate for Governor, and they were right. Nurses also believe that Erin Murphy will be our next Governor.  I’m the lucky one who gets to tell you not only why she should be, but why she will be the first nurse Governor in the United States.


While many candidates are approaching the election with caution, Erin Murphy is doing things differently. Instead of focusing on what makes us different and divides us, she is talking about what unites us.
… Read more about: Why Erin Murphy Will Win in August! And November!  »

By Katie Gjertson

MNA Political Coordinator


Minnesota’s Primary Election is right around the corner! Eligible voters from every corner of the state will have their chance to cast their ballot in support of the candidates they believe line up with their values, their issues and their vision for the future of Minnesota. Primary elections are our opportunity, as voters, to shape the ticket to reflect what we want it to be in November. Let’s get out the vote for the 2018 Minnesota primary!

Never voted in a Primary Election before? Here are the top ten things you need to know before you head to the polls.
… Read more about: The Top 10 Things You Need to Know to Be a Primary Voter  »

Please attribute the following statement to Minnesota Nurses Association President Mary C. Turner:

Nurses in Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin who are members of the Minnesota Nurses Association stand with community residents, hospital staff, and patients affected by yesterday’s destructive tornado in Marshalltown, IA.

As the union representing nurses at UnityPoint Health in Marshalltown, MNA nurses recognize and thank area nurses and other healthcare professionals for their dedicated, hard work during this difficult time and for the tough job they’ll continue to do in the coming weeks as the community continues to recover.

Nurses thank the EMTs, firefighters, police, and all the emergency workers who responded so quickly to help keep people and property safe during and after the storm.
… Read more about: Press Release: MNA statement on Marshalltown, IA, tornado  »

For Immediate Release

Contact:  Rick Fuentes
(o) 651-414-2863
(c) 612-741-0662

Barbara Brady
(o) 651-414-2849
(c) 651-202-0845

(St. Paul) – July 12, 2018 – Short staffing is an “epidemic with no end,” according to an annual report published by the Minnesota Nurses Association.  MNA analyzed more than 3,000 Concern for Safe Staffing reports filed by registered nurses in 2017 and found a continuing incidence of hospital staffing where nurses had to take care of too many patients at one time.  Nurses reported that, as a result of short staffing, hospital patients didn’t receive medications, assessments, and discharge instructions, among other needs.
… Read more about: Press Release: MNA Nurses Report Short Staffing Pervasive in Minnesota Hospitals  »

By Kathleen Malecki, RN

MNA Member


Healthcare reform coalition-building has hit a critical mass milestone in the work of creating a nationwide Healthcare for All (Medicare for All) movement, possibly with an international, intersectional component.  “Healthcare-NOW” is ready to launch an army of organized volunteers to challenge the medical-industrial complex across the USA and globally.


This is the long-awaited tipping point. It is time for us to get involved and volunteer to make this happen via deep one-on-one conversations, which are held face-to-face wherever we are with the goal to listen more than talk.
… Read more about: HEALTHCARE NOW CONFERENCE 2018  »

Contact:  Rick Fuentes
(o) 651-414-2863
(c) 612-741-0662

Contact:  Shannon Cunningham
(o) 651-414-2838
(c) 651-269-1418
… Read more about: Press Release: Nurses applaud Erin Murphy’s healthcare plan  »
(St. Paul) –   July 10, 2018 –  Minnesota nurses are excited about the bold healthcare plan released today by gubernatorial candidate Erin Murphy that will make Minnesota the first state in the nation to provide guaranteed, affordable healthcare to everyone.  The “Pathway to Single Payer” plan is a strong blueprint for guaranteeing all Minnesotans affordable, quality healthcare, according to the Minnesota Nurses Association members.

The “Pathway to Single Payer” plan will simplify and strengthen the state’s existing healthcare system by expanding access to MinnesotaCare as it’s currently structured, requiring the state to contract directly with healthcare providers, and making medications affordable and available to all state residents.”Nurses believe a system that treats healthcare as a basic human need, not a luxury, is a necessity,” said MNA  President Mary C.