Minnesota Nurses Association (Page 2)

nurse workplace violence

By Jackie Russell, RN JD

Nursing Practice and Regulatory Affairs Specialist


Carrie Mortrud, RN

Nurse Staffing Specialist

“You need to work more efficiently!”

“You need to work smarter!”

“You need to work overtime!”


It’s called blaming the victim and all are highly inappropriate and unacceptable employer responses following an assault. Victim blaming is a poor defense. In fact, there is no good defense for assault. No excuses either.

The employer must stop blaming the employee-victim for an assault. The employer must take responsibility for their employees’ safety.

By Chidinma Nwanekpe, RN, BSN, MPH

GAC Commissioner, Mental Health Nurse at St. Joseph’s


Working on my unit has exposed me to a lot of issues our mental health patients go through, but the most prominent one is homelessness.

For example, here’s a patient we’ll call “Mr. J.” Mr. J had been in the hospital for seven days when I arrived at work one day. In a mental unit, it’s not uncommon for patients to be reported as loud, upset, disrupting unit activity, and not heeding re-direction. Mr. J said he had been in the hospital for quite a while, didn’t know where to go after he was discharged because he was homeless.
… Read more about: Mental Illness and Homelessness: A Cry for Help  »

By Carrie Mortrud, RN

MNA Project Specialist


Ok, by now, you’ve probably heard the ignorant and irresponsible comments of Washington state Senator Maureen Walsh who attacked all nurses by opposing a bill aimed at guaranteeing breaks and stopping mandatory overtime.

Walsh unwisely said this while the Washington state Senate considered SHB 1155, which would provide nurses with uninterrupted meal and rest breaks.

“I would submit to you that those nurses probably do get breaks,” Walsh said on the Senate floor. “They probably play cards for a considerable amount of the day.”

Despite the ridiculousness of her comments, that doesn’t mean that every MNA member shouldn’t take something away from this ignorant comment, even though the Senator has said she regrets the remark (ironically, she claimed she was “tired” from no breaks at the Capitol.
… Read more about: Nurses Can Still Learn Something from Know-Nothing Politician  »

By Rick Fuentes

MNA Communications Specialist


Metro MNA members are taking their stories to the public. MNA has been advertising on I Heart Media radio stations and digital platforms about the issues nurses face every day at the bedside. On-air staff at I Heart Media have been very supportive of Metro nurses, especially K102’s Amy James, KDWB’s Dave Ryan, and KFAN’s Justin Guaard.




Of course, no one can tell the nurses’ stories better than the nurses. The first ad was voiced by Abbott Recovery Room nurse, Becky Nelson. 
… Read more about: Heard the New Radio Ad?  »

By Hans-Peter De Ruiter

MNAF Board Chair

For years the MNA Foundation has supported nurses in their pursuit of continuing their academic careers. MNA members have completed BSN programs, become nurse educators, nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, and nurse anesthetists; they have earned master’s degrees, doctorates and PhDs all in the pursuit of advancing the nursing profession and taking patient advocacy to new heights.

Today the foundation is thrilled to announce a new and very exciting scholarship, named in honor of our country’s first African-American graduate nurse, Mary Eliza Mahoney. The Mary Eliza Mahoney scholarship will provide financial support to a fellow union member who wants to become a nurse and a member of the MNA.
… Read more about: Announcing the Mary Eliza Mahoney Memorial Scholarship  »

Allina big debt

By Rick Fuentes

MNA Communications Specialist


Ok, check-ups aren’t fun.  Not because of what they might find but because what they might ask.  Who wants to admit they thought mac and cheese was a food group?  Still, they keep us healthy, even financially.


MNA members receive free counsel with Dorval and Chorne Financial Advisors.  This is not a small benefit or something to take for granted.  Most financial planners charge about $200 an hour for their advice, or, if they invest on your behalf, they take 1 percent of your proceeds as compensation. 
… Read more about: Get a Check-Up! A Financial One!  »

From the MNA Board of Directors:


Many MNA nurses say they would like to be more involved in organizing, contract, electoral, and legislative campaigns, but they don’t have the time or finances because they are working.

We know that nurse involvement is key to the success of these critical initiatives to strengthen the union and the nursing profession.  MNA could enable more members to get involved by investing in programs that provide paid time off for nurses who participate in some of these campaigns, relieving them of their economic constraints.

Many unions already run time-release programs with great success. 
… Read more about: Increased Resources Will Help Nurses Build Our Union  »



By  Jean Forman, RN

Chair, Government Affairs Commission

and Diane McLaughlin, RN

Government Affairs Commissioner


(Editor’s Note:  The following is the recommendation of the members of the Government Affairs Commission on a proposal that has not been adopted by the MNA Board or Membership.)


The MNA Convention is coming up quickly, October 6-8 in Minneapolis. We have so much important work to accomplish! We are writing as elected members of the Commission on Governmental Affairs (GAC) to gain your support for an important addition to MNA’s legislative platform regarding gun violence prevention and protection.
… Read more about: Support Our Platform on Gun Safety  »

From the MNA Board of Directors:

The MNA Board of Directors is hopeful it can increase funding in the following areas if members approve the dues structure change. While we would have to still determine exact amounts, the Board is committed to using the extra funding in the following ways:

1. Increase resources that can be used towards achieving safe staffing
2. Additional funds to be dedicated to the strike fund
3. Expand member resources related to defense of nurse’s legal and contractual rights whether through an arbitration or
administrative process
4 Establish a member release time budget for nurses interested in helping build the union by participating in various union campaigns, including contract, organizing, legislative, and electoral, which would allow them to do so without being economically impacted
… Read more about: Yes to Invest  »

By Stefanie Asante-Totimeh, RN

Government Affairs Commissioner


As nurses, we are advocates and leaders who continually work on behalf of our patients and community. We are also involved in decisions that affect our workplace and communities when we partake actively in our union and our workplace.

The professional nursing population provides a unique perspective. We celebrate our differences, and, in turn, we are at the forefront of providing patient-centered care and decisions. How then does political awareness come into play with nursing?

Political awareness as a nurse does not necessarily mean being affiliated with a political party.
… Read more about: Nursing and Political Awareness  »