Parting the Political Fog (Page 39)

Jackie O'Shea
Jackie O’Shea
MNA Political Organizer

By Jackie O’Shea

MNA Political Organizer


Politics affects every part of our lives to the point where I believe it can be overwhelming for people. Minnesota’s political landscape this year is large; the amount of work to be done is extremely daunting; there are too many elections; and there’s not enough time to pay attention, much less volunteer for all of them. However, every election, no matter how big or small, is extremely important. I understand why some voters need to tune it out. It’s too much for me at times, and it’s my job to pay attention.


It has nothing to do with the vast amount of work ahead of us this year. For weeks, I haven’t been able to put my finger on why I’ve been in this fog. Am I lacking inspiration or direction? Do I need more sleep and possibly a vacation? Last week, I got together for coffee with a good friend when I had my “a-ha” moment.


As Minnesotans, we want a government that is based in values and not in celebrity, stature, and money. In politics, there’s always tension between the heart and the brain. Our heart guides us in values and how we care for each other, which urges us to elect candidates who we truly believe in. However, our brain guides us in how to win, and now money and stature come into play. There are only two outcomes in politics: winning or losing. Everyone wants to win, but somebody or some piece of legislation has to lose.


The fear of losing causes us to become cynical and start following our brain instead of our heart. We want to win so badly, we tell ourselves it’s okay to elect a politician who may not represent our values system—just because someone told us he or she is the better candidate. We throw what our heart wants to the side, promising to do better next time.


What if we didn’t have to choose between our heart and our brain anymore? What if we really put ourselves out there, do the work, and get behind the candidates we truly believe in? We just might prove our brain wrong. We just might show that the candidates our heart believes in—the ones who truly reflect policy for people rather than special interests and money—can actually win. We would all be more willing to solve problems together if we were invested in what happens to our politics after we leave the voting booth.


Call it the coffee or the conversation or the company, but the fog has lifted. Now I have found my motivator again: hope.

By Jackie O’Shea

MNA Political Organizer


Politics affects every part of our lives to the point where I believe it can be overwhelming for people. Minnesota’s political landscape this year is large; the amount of work to be done is extremely daunting; there are too many elections; and there’s not enough time to pay attention, much less volunteer for all of them. However, every election, no matter how big or small, is extremely important. I understand why some voters need to tune it out. It’s too much for me at times, and it’s my job to pay attention.
… Read more about: Parting the Political Fog  »

By Geri Katz

MNA Healthcare Reform Specialist


Single payer (aka Medicare for All or guaranteed healthcare) is so hot right now.

Bernie Sanders raised the profile in the 2016 campaign; then Trump and GOP proposals to repeal the Affordable Care Act pushed even more people to the conclusion that healthcare is a basic need for all Americans.

The term “single payer” isn’t very descriptive, and it leaves room for a lot of confusion. Minnesota Senator John Marty says it best, “when someone asks you what kind of new car you bought, you don’t answer “dealer financed!”

So let’s define it: guaranteed healthcare (not insurance) for every American, including dental and vision.
… Read more about: Single Payer is So Hot Right Now.  »

For Immediate Release                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Contact: Barbara Brady
(o) 651-414-2849
(c) 651-202-0845
Rick Fuentes
(o) 651-414-2863
(c) 612-741-0662

(St. Paul) – April 23, 2018 –  A surprise announcement from Mayo Clinic Health System is a cynical distraction from the fact that Albert Lea residents are losing their full-service hospital and workers are losing jobs, according to members of SEIU Healthcare Minnesota and the Minnesota Nurses Association.

“The announcement that Mayo is asking nurses to commit now to take jobs that won’t exist for up to a year and a half exponentially increases the uncertainty that employees already have about their futures,” said MNA President Mary C.
… Read more about: Press Release: Mayo once again shows it cannot be trusted  »

By Rick Fuentes

MNA Communications Specialist

(Note:  the author is teaching an educational session Wednesday, April 25 on social media at the MNA office at 345 Randolph Ave in St. Paul.  RSVPs for the class are available here:

Facebook is in a lot of hot water, and many users may not even understand why.  What Facebook did wasn’t legally wrong, but it was a serious lapse in judgment.  MNA members, nurses, and others who are social media consumers have no choice but to protect ourselves from Facebook and the people who take advantage of Facebook.


Let’s review. 
… Read more about: Protect Yourself on Facebook  »

By Barbara Brady

MNA Communications Specialist


Union membership empowers MNA nurses to be strong advocates for patients. Nurses know they have rights and a collective voice to speak up for quality patient care. MNA contracts ensure that nurses have a voice in the workplace. Nurses negotiate a fair return for their hard work. Nurses and many other workers have the freedom to join together in unions and work for common causes. However, a case before the U.S. Supreme Court could take away many of those rights, starting with public-sector union members.

Janus v AFSCME Council 31 challenges the right of public sector unions to require all employees who receive the benefits of union representation to pay the cost of that representation or “fair share fees.” Corporations and extremists want to weaken unions by bringing this case forward.
… Read more about: Patient Safety Starts with Nurses’ Collective Advocacy  »

By Diane Mclaughlin

MNA Member, Retired and GAC Commissioner


I’m an active MNA member and a returning Governmental Affairs Commissioner. I assisted in the screening of gubernatorial candidates last October that resulted in the endorsement of state Rep. Erin Murphy (DFL-St. Paul). So, participation in the political realm is not new to me.


After being vocal at my precinct caucus and presenting numerous resolutions in front of my area neighbors, I was granted the opportunity to represent the caucus at the senate district convention. Conventions can be rowdy, competitive, and vibrant interactions of people.
… Read more about: Caucusing for Erin Murphy  »

By Tara Fugate

MNA Strategic Researcher


Moving from Michigan to Minnesota has brought me many new experiences, from trying my first Hot Dish to navigating the State Fair. After living in this state for a year, I am still discovering new things daily. My most recent Minnesota “firsts” were trips to my local precinct caucus and my senate district convention. Unlike Minnesota, my native Michigan does not use party caucuses or conventions. This process was entirely new to me as was the importance of getting involved with the DFL party on a local level. Having never participated in caucuses before, the road to the state DFL convention seemed overwhelming and complicated.
… Read more about: My First Caucus and Senate District Convention  »

(Note:  Two bills to enter Minnesota in the National Nurse Licensure Compact have been introduced in the Legislature.  This would allow nurses from other states to practice in Minnesota without a Minnesota nurse license.  The following is from testimony given Tuesday, March 27 in the Minnesota House Health and Human Services Reform Committee.)


My name is Sharon Carlson. I am a bedside nurse that works in the perioperative care center at Abbott Northwestern hospital. Perioperative careis the care that is given before, during and after surgery. As well as being a staff nurse I have the privilege of being a charge nurse in our Pre-Op, PACU, day surgery and cardiovascular recovery areas.
… Read more about: A Nurse Speaks Out Against the National Nurse Compact  »

By Kate Drusch, RN-ICU

MNA Member


The things we hope will become real can only become reality through actual experience. St. Paul State Representative Erin Murphy can be our next Governor because of her experience as a leader in Minnesota. Murphy is a tireless, incredible organizer.  She has brought people together to help elect her to her House seat again and again since 2006. She went on to work hard to win the House Majority Leadership in 2012, one of the most powerful positions in Minnesota.  Working like the “charge nurse” of her side of the state’s House of Representatives, she was able to push through improvements in MinnesotaCare and more of our biggest and best legislative accomplishments in those two years.
… Read more about: Why I’m supporting Erin Murphy for Governor  »

By Doreen McIntyre

MNA Member, Board of Directors


My name is Doreen McIntyre. I work at Minneapolis Children’s Hospital in Pre-op / PACU. I’m a tri chair of my bargaining unit, and I’m proud to be serving my second term as a director on the MNA Board of Directors. I also serve on National Nurses United’s Joint Nursing Practice Commission and also the Environmental and Climate Justice Working Group.


I recently returned from a medical mission with Smile Network International as one of 26 volunteers to travel to India.  We worked some long days at Santhiram General Hospital in Nandyal (about two days’ drive south of New Delhi).
… Read more about: An Opportunity to Smile!  »