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Contact: Sam Fettig
(o) 651-414-2863
(c) 612-741-0662

Lauren Nielsen
(o) 651-414-2862
(c) 651-376-9709

(St. Paul) – November 10, 2021 – MNA President Mary C. Turner, RN, one of twelve members of the Biden-Harris COVID-19 Health Equity Task Force, today praised the group’s final recommendations and report.

“As an ICU nurse on a Covid unit since the start of the pandemic, I am thrilled that the task force is calling for a permanent OSHA Covid-19 standard that includes protections against aerosol and airborne transmission for nurses and other workers,” said Turner, the only frontline worker and registered nurse appointed to the task force.
… Read more about: MNA President Turner Praises Final Recommendations of Biden-Harris COVID-19 Task Force  »

By Geri Katz

Manager of Practice, Education and Special Projects

and Megan Gavin

MNA Labor Representative


MNA member Hans-Peter de Ruiter, PhD, RN, has retired from the Minnesota Nurses Association Foundation Board of Directors after nine years of service, including five years as chair.


Hans has led the MNAF board in awarding scholarships and grants to promising students and nurses whose academic pursuits will help support MNA’s mission and goals and make real improvements in care and building power for nurses. Hans led the MNAF board in expanding scholarship offerings considerably.
… Read more about: Thank you to Dr. Hans-Peter de Ruiter  »

big pharma

By Tara Fugate

MNA Strategic Researcher

The vast majority of hospitals in Minnesota operate as not-for-profit organizations, which means they are exempt from most local, state, and federal taxes. This privileged tax status is meant to be an acknowledgement of the “community benefits” they provide. However, the definition of community benefit is loose, and guidelines on appropriate levels of community benefit spending are sparse both federally and at the state level.

In Minnesota, there is no law that specifically requires not-for-profit hospitals to provide measurable community benefits.[1] There is, however, a state level reporting requirement on community benefit spending that has existed since 2007.
… Read more about: What is Community Benefit Spending And Why Does It Matter for Not-For-Profit Hospitals?  »

By Megan Gavin

MNA Education Specialist

On April 7, we welcomed 430 student nurses and faculty members from thirteen different colleges and universities to the MNA Student Nurses Day on the Hill. The event began with a social hour giving students an opportunity to network with MNA member leaders representing diverse nursing areas such as mental health, psychiatric nursing, surgery, PACU, oncology, and pediatrics. MNA committee and commission members hosted tables on Governmental Affairs, Nursing Practice, and Education Commissions as well as the MNA Foundation, Universal Healthcare, and the Nurses Peer-to-Peer Support Network.

President Mary Turner gave a welcome and shared her personal journey of becoming a politically active nurse.
… Read more about: Student Nurses Day on the Hill 2016 Is A Smashing Success  »

MNA offers a wealth of information and resources just for nurses at every stage of your career.

  • MNA Disaster Relief Fund for MNA Nurses: The Minnesota Nurses Association Board of Directors has an established Disaster Relief Fund for MNA members. The fund is meant to assist MNA members when a natural or man-made disaster negatively impacts life, property, livelihood, or industry and often results in permanent changes to human societies. This fund is administered by a committee appointed by the Board of Directors.
  • Strike Ready Calculator: The Strike Ready Calculator is designed to help you calculate how much you’ll need to save in advance in case you’re out of work.
  • … Read more about: Member Benefits  »

The Minnesota Nurses Association Foundation, a non-profit corporation affiliated with the Minnesota Nurses Association, provides funding for nursing research grants and scholarships.

Each year, MNAF provides thousands of dollars in scholarships and grants to members and students. They are excellent opportunities to advance the nursing profession through research and education. Members are encouraged to apply.

Find out if you, a relative, or a colleague may qualify for a scholarship or grant!

MNAF was established in 1981 to honor the memory of Katharine Densford Dreves. Katharine was president of the American Nurses Association, president of Minnesota Nurses Association, and Director of the University of Minnesota School of Nursing.
… Read more about: Minnesota Nurses Association Foundation  »

In addition to labor advocacy, MNA has a wealth of information for nurses at every stage of your career. Learn about nurse licensing and practice, education opportunities for MNA members, scholarship and grant opportunities, or discounts on goods and services your family uses.
… Read more about: Nurse Resources  »

According to the summary of a report by the Center on Women and Public Policy and the Women’s Foundation of Minnesota says that “at the current rate, the pay gap in Minnesota will not be closed until 2060.”  That’s right.  Men will still make more than women for the same job and the same work 140 years after Womens Suffrage, almost 90 years after a human landed on the moon, and about the same time Hailey’s Comet returns in its next 76-year-orbit.

As women succeed, the state succeeds.   How to accomplish that is spurred by the Womens Security Act-a legislative package of 17 ideas that are being championed by Rep.
… Read more about: Poverty has a Woman's Face  »

Members of the Minnesota Nurses Association gathered in St. Paul Oct. 13 – 16 to set the wheels in motion of another eventful year ahead.   Gathering for the 108th time in the history of the organization, nurses made noteworthy operational changes; attended provocative education sessions; shared experiences during networking opportunities and took time to honor the achievements of colleagues who have made significant contributions to nursing and MNA.

“Our journey ahead will result in the advancement of our nursing profession through the solidarity of bedside nurses,” declared MNA President Linda Hamilton as she welcomed the elected leaders during opening ceremonies of the House of Delegates.
… Read more about: Staff Nurses Unite at MNA’s 108th Annual Convention  »

Coming to the 109th Nurses Convention?  Grab a great deal at the Minnesota Nurses Association Foundation Silent Auction.  The 6th annual silent auction to benefit the MNAF includes original art, theater tickets, hotel stays, skin treatments, haircuts, and concert passes.
All of the money generated from the silent auction goes to the grants and scholarships awarded to nurses studying important health and wellness issues facing Minnesotans. In 2013, the MNAF awarded $91,000.00 total to 37 recipients.

Here are some items:

Hosko print

Signed, limited-edition pen and ink illustration by Bill Hosko of the Hoskogallery
… Read more about: Auction to benefit MNAF  »