First MNA Nurse Returns From Haiti with stories, photos (Page 142)

MNA Member RN Barb Warren-Bloms (located on the far right and wearing a black shirt in the photo above) just returned from Haiti today, and she’s already got more than 200 photos up on her Facebook page. Barb’s journey to Haiti has already been well-chronicled, and in the coming days we’ll make sure to share some of her most powerful stories and photos as well. Barb is the first MNA nurse to be formally deployed to Haiti through the National Nurses United organization’s relief efforts. Barb spent two weeks on the floating Navy hospital ship USNS Comfort, and she’ll be headed back to work here at her hospital in Minneapolis on Monday.

As MNA President Linda Hamilton said so eloquently (and accurately) in the video above, “Nurses are in the House!” More than 900 RNs and nursing students gathered at the State Capitol yesterday, and our voices were heard loud and clear by dozens of Minnesota legislators and leaders, including Attorney General Lori Swanson and others. Swanson was among those who spoke at a standing-room-only noontime rally in the Capitol Rotunda, and throughout the day hundreds of nurses met with their legislators and representatives to advocate for patient safety, restoring the General Assistance Medical Care (GAMC) program and other important issues. Special tanks to all of you who showed up and spoke up on behalf of RNs and patients!
… Read more about: Minnesota Nurses Day on the Hill 2010 Recap  »

Tomorrow (Feb. 23), more than 900 Minnesota RNs and nursing students will descend upon the State Capitol in St. Paul for the 2010 Nurses Day On The Hill rally and event. Hope to see you there! If you’re coming out or going to be at the Capitol, here are some of the highlights:

Pine Technical College wins $4.2 million to train healthcare workers

PINE CITY, Minn. – Pine Technical College is poised to set into motion a $4.2 million grant project recently awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). The project, called Health Occupations Providing Economic Stimulus or HOPES, will recruit, train and employ almost 1,200 registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, certified nursing assistants, home health aides and medical laboratory technologists in east central Minnesota and western Wisconsin.

The fundamental work of HOPES is expanding the capacity for allied health education in nursing and medical laboratory technology programs, according to PTC President Robert Musgrove.
… Read more about: Press Release: MN Tech College supported by MNA wins $4.2 million to train healthcare workers  »

Barb Warren-Bloms, the first Minnesota Nurse formally deployed to Haiti, recently sent us a Facebook message with an update of her first days on the Navy ship USNS Comfort (above):

“Thanks. It is going ok on the ship. I am working night shift. The census is way down, and acuity is very low. It is winding down. There are only 50 patients here now.

Even though the census is very low, they are happy we are here, because the nurses have not had days off in over 30 days. We got here too late to be of much help other than letting the nurses get days off, which is important, I guess.
… Read more about: Update from the USNS Comfort in Haiti  »

The campaign to Save GAMC continues.  Visit for more information.

General Assistance Medical Care Vote This Thursday
We Can’t Afford To Wait – Call Your State Representative Today

The 85,000 Minnesotans (including 8,000 military Veterans) who rely on GAMC need your voice now more than ever!

Thursday morning, February 18th, the House will take a vote on the GAMC bill (House File 2680) to either pass or defeat the measure.  We need you to call your House member today to ensure that both Democrats and Republicans support health care coverage for the poorest and sickest single adults.
… Read more about: Special Update: Help Save GAMC!  »

Barb Warren-Bloms left from the MSP International Airport today as the first MNA RN to be formally deployed to Haiti. After interviews with local TV stations Barb gave heartfelt hugs to her family and jumped on a plane to Florida. She will be spending the next two weeks on the Navy ship USNS Comfort, which is serving as a floating hospital for earthquake victims. Thanks Barb for being the first of so many Minnesota RNs and MNA Members ready to go to Haiti!

… Read more about: First Minnesota Nurse Heads to Haiti  »