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By Katie Gjertson

MNA Political Coordinator


It is a difficult time to be an apolitical TV watcher this time of year. Our TV and airwaves are flooded with unprecedented levels of political advertising and negativity seems to be at its peak. To lighten things up, I am sharing the best ads I’ve seen across the country that inspire and delight.

An important note that the Minnesota Nurses Association does not endorse any of these candidates.

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 “Do It for Gerald’s Family”

In this ad, family members make an earnest plea for voters to send Travis County Commissioner in Texas back to work.
… Read more about: Now for Something Completely Different: Inspiring and Delightful Political Ads  »

By Julie Anderson, RN

Governmental Affairs Commissioner


There is a lot at stake in the upcoming midterm elections. Like many other nurses, I was excited to find out that a fellow nurse and an inspiring leader, Erin Murphy, was running for governor. I thrusted myself into the campaign and volunteered with the Nurses for Erin campaign. I did phonebanks, door knocks, attended meetings, had face to face interactions, attended the DFL convention as a delegate, and, of course, I voted for Erin for Minnesota governor in the primaries. After the primary went the other way without Erin Murphy representing the DFL on the ballot, I suddenly found myself asking “what now?” I realized, though, that my work was far from over.
… Read more about: Newly Political Nurse Now Permanently Active  »

From the MNA Board of Directors

Q. Why are we taking this vote?

A: National Nurses United members are expected to vote to change their dues structure to reduce the dues MNA now pays by 50 percent at their House of Delegates this coming weekend. MNA’s bylaws require an all-member vote and set a very specific process for issues involving dues, which your Board of Directors is complying with. This process can only be changed by the MNA House of Delegates.

Q: How will this affect the dues I pay to MNA?

A: If a majority of members vote in favor of simplifying the dues structure, your total monthly dues will not change.
… Read more about: Dues Structure Vote Q&A  »

By Becky VonBank

MNA Member


As a nurse, many of us have a nurturing ability within us. During my years of nursing, I found that when I shared my acquired knowledge with others, I supported my colleagues’ growth. My passion to learn became deeper, my professional practice became stronger, and patients and their families received better care.


I returned to Creighton University in Omaha to achieve a higher level of autonomy in the nursing practice, support my passion for lifelong learning, and gain more knowledge to share with others. I will graduate in May 2019 with my Acute and Primary Care Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, which might not have happened without receiving an MNA Scholarship. 
… Read more about: Scholarship Fund Supports Two New Nurses  »

From the MNA Board of Directors

Nurses throughout Minnesota say the MNA contract that protects rights and gives members a voice in the workplace is a major benefit of membership.

Nurses recognize the value of holding management accountable when the contract is violated through grievances, arbitration, and Unfair Labor Practice charges.

Hospitals are increasingly pushing us to file grievances and ULPs to force us to spend more time and resources on these actions instead of mutually agreeing on solutions to our issues.

They know these legal actions are expensive and time-consuming, even though MNA has won some major decisions in the last few years.
… Read more about: Simplify MNA dues to keep our contracts strong  »

By Candy Matzke, RN

Fairview Riverside, Minneapolis

Are you going to the MNA Convention and House of Delegates Oct. 5-8? Your Convention Planning Committee is excited to greet you and share all you need to know to have a wonderful, educational, empowering, getting-to-know-each-other time. MNA’s Convention overlaps with the National Nurses United (NNU) annual convention this year, giving us great opportunities to meet nurses from all over the U.S.

Delegates from Ely to Sandstone and in between will enjoy a three-and-a-half day journey starting with a reception courtesy of NNU on Friday, October 5. It’s always a treat for “newbies” to be welcomed and find a more seasoned delegate to buddy up with to take it all in: understanding the barriers to safe, adequate patient care; the logistics of the event; and how we work with our hospital systems, the Legislature, and each other.
… Read more about: MNA Convention is wonderful, educational, empowering opportunity  »

From the MNA Board of Directors:


Many MNA nurses say they would like to be more involved in organizing, contract, electoral, and legislative campaigns, but they don’t have the time or finances because they are working.

We know that nurse involvement is key to the success of these critical initiatives to strengthen the union and the nursing profession.  MNA could enable more members to get involved by investing in programs that provide paid time off for nurses who participate in some of these campaigns, relieving them of their economic constraints.

Many unions already run time-release programs with great success. 
… Read more about: Increased Resources Will Help Nurses Build Our Union  »

By Stephanie Kowalik, RN, Children’s Hospital Minneapolis

When Children’s Hospitals of St. Paul and Minneapolis suddenly announced last September that part-time nurses (between .40 and .74 FTE) would start paying a higher percentage of health insurance premiums than full-time nurses, we were stunned and confused. Up until that time, part-timers between .40 and .74 FTE paid the same premium cost as full-time nurses.

It was an obvious attempt to divide part-time and full-time nurses and a clear violation of our contract. The decision to unilaterally impose such an unfair requirement only weeks before open enrollment brought nurses together to fight the hospital.
… Read more about: A victory for all nurses  »

From the MNA Board of Directors:

Safe staffing has been a top priority of MNA nurses for many years.

MNA nurses have fought for safe staffing levels at the bargaining table, in the Legislature, and with the public, with some successes.

However, short staffing remains a serious problem in Minnesota hospitals.

According to the MNA Concern for Safe Staffing Form annual report for 2017, an increasing number of nurses reported instances of short staffing. They reported that patients were harmed, or in the nurse’s professional opinion, patients did not receive the safe and quality care they required due to short staffing.
… Read more about: Vote to Invest in Safe Staffing  »



By  Jean Forman, RN

Chair, Government Affairs Commission

and Diane McLaughlin, RN

Government Affairs Commissioner


(Editor’s Note:  The following is the recommendation of the members of the Government Affairs Commission on a proposal that has not been adopted by the MNA Board or Membership.)


The MNA Convention is coming up quickly, October 6-8 in Minneapolis. We have so much important work to accomplish! We are writing as elected members of the Commission on Governmental Affairs (GAC) to gain your support for an important addition to MNA’s legislative platform regarding gun violence prevention and protection.
… Read more about: Support Our Platform on Gun Safety  »