Elections (Page 5)

Blog posts categorized as Elections will pull into the Issues & Advocacy > Elections page.

By Eileen Weber RN, JD

MNA Member


I’ve known Erin for decades, mostly through our joint work at the Minnesota Nurses Association, where she rose from political organizer to executive director of one of the most influential unions in our great labor state.


We actually ran for the legislature together in 2006, but only one of us was successful. She ran for an open seat in a strong DFL district in St. Paul, and I ran against a strong GOP incumbent in a very purple district. Her battle then was to win endorsement against very strong DFL competition, and she did it with an earnest positive message and doorknocking– eventually she knew the name of every pet dog in the district.
… Read more about: Here’s Why I’m enthusiastically Supporting Erin Murphy for Governor  »


By Eileen Gavin

MNA Political Organizer

In a few days, residents of St. Paul, Minneapolis, and Duluth will choose their next mayor and city council members, respectively. Polls will be open 7 a.m.– 8p.m. Tuesday, Nov 7. Elections are critically important for nurses, patients, and working families. MNA members need to come out and ensure that candidates who share nurses’ values are elected.

MNA has endorsed Dai Thao for St. Paul mayor. “He shares nurses’ progressive values and has committed to actively supporting nurses on our top issues including safe staffing in hospitals, single-payer healthcare, collective bargaining rights for all workers, and Earned Sick and Safe Time,” said President Mary C.
… Read more about: Come Out to Vote November 7  »

For Immediate Release

Contact:  Rick Fuentes
(o) 651-414-2863
(c) 612-741-0662

Contact: Barbara Brady
(o) 651-414-2849
(c) 651-202-0845

(St. Paul) – September 20, 2017 – The Board of Directors of the Minnesota Nurses Association voted on Wednesday to endorse fellow nurse Representative Erin Murphy (DFL-St. Paul) for Governor of Minnesota.  The MNA Board followed the recommendation of the nurse members’ screening committee that screened eight candidates from the DFL, GOP, and Independent parties on Saturday, September 9.

“Nurses decided to endorse Erin Murphy not just because she’s a fellow registered nurse,” said Mary C.
… Read more about: Press Release: Minnesota Nurses Endorse State Representative Erin Murphy for Governor  »

By Katie Gjertson

MNA Political Coordinator

Anyone who spent any time at the Minnesota State Fair quickly realized that candidates have launched their political campaigns for governor. Campaign teams were gathered around the candidates, and everyone talked in animated conversation. Colorful signs with logos and slogans outlining the candidate’s positions were around every corner. This one is a pretty big deal for Minnesota, and this election will determine our collective destiny.


No matter our differences as Minnesotans, we all want pretty similar things: respect and dignity at work; access to quality, affordable health care when we need it; to be able to provide for our families; to supply our kids with shoes and everything they need for a school year; to be safe in our communities and to arrive safely at work or school; to have access to fresh fruits and vegetables; to be able to take the time off work when we or a loved one is sick; clean water, clean air, and clean lakes; to afford the occasional vacation; and to be able to retire with dignity.
… Read more about: What Kind of Minnesota Do We Want to Live In?  »

By Jackie O’Shea

MNA Political Organizer

In a recent MNA staff meeting, Executive Director Rose Roach told us “every election cycle, we say this is the most important election ever, but that’s because every election is important.” I couldn’t agree more. In the almost 10 years I’ve worked in the labor movement, there has never been an upcoming election in which the results wouldn’t have had an impact on workers and families. Whether the top issue is education, healthcare reform, union rights, or a balanced budget, there is always something on the line.  The open race for Minnesota Governor in 2018 is no different, with current Governor Mark Dayton not running for re-election, and a plethora of candidates who have announced they are seeking the office.
… Read more about: Who Should MNA Endorse?  »

Minnesota Nurses Endorse Candidates for Duluth City Council


Flipovich, Kennedy, and Sipress Praised for Supporting Nurse Values

For Immediate Release

Contact:  Rick Fuentes
(o) 651-414-2863
(c) 612-741-0662

(St. Paul) – May 31, 2017 – The Board of Directors of the Minnesota Nurses Association has approved the endorsements of Joel Sipress for Duluth’s District 2 City Council seat and Zack Flipovich and Janet Kennedy for the two at-large positions.  All candidates were screened by a committee of MNA nurses, which submitted its recommendations to the board.

Sipress won endorsement thanks to his work advocating for workers at the Duluth Whole Foods Co-op. 
… Read more about: Minnesota Nurses Endorse Candidates for Duluth City Council  »

Contact: Barb Brady
(office) 651-414-2849
(cell) 651-202-0845

Rick Fuentes
(office) 651-414-2863
(cell) 612-741-0662

(St. Paul) – March 16, 2017 –  Minnesota Nurses Association nurses voted to endorse candidates for St. Paul mayor, Minneapolis mayor, and the Minneapolis City Council.

Nurses endorsed St. Paul City Council member Dai Thao for mayor.

“We are proud to support Dai Thao for mayor of St. Paul,” said MNA President Mary Turner. “He shares nurses’ progressive values and has committed to actively supporting nurses on our top issues including safe staffing in hospitals, single-payer healthcare, collective bargaining rights for all workers, and Earned Sick and Safe Time.”

Nurses voted to endorse State Representative Raymond Dehn for Minneapolis mayor.
… Read more about: Minnesota Nurses Association Endorses St. Paul, Minneapolis Candidates  »

By Eileen Gavin

MNA Political Organizer

There are some major races for political office this year in St. Paul and Minneapolis. St. Paul will be electing a new Mayor as Chris Coleman has thrown his name in the ring in the race for Minnesota’s next Governor. Also, Minneapolis residents will be voting for their Mayor and City Council. MNA has a long history of involvement in races at the state level, including state legislative races both in the House and Senate, Governor, and Attorney General. MNA has not been very involved in electoral work at the city level—until now. The MNA Board of Directors has made a strategic decision to participate in local elections, a decision welcomed and applauded by almost all of the candidates we interviewed last week.
… Read more about: MNA Enters the Local Political Scene  »

By Laura Sayles

MNA Government Affairs Specialist


Seems like it’s a tradition that around Thanksgiving everyone writes about what they are thankful for. To mix holiday metaphors, the Grinch in me can’t find much to be thankful for right now. Regardless of who you voted for, there is no doubt that this election season was brutal: to people’s mailboxes and televisions, to relationships with family and friends, to a culture of civil dialogue, to candidates who lost, to candidates who won and now have to govern highly polarized electorates.

And in all honestly, I’ve mostly succumbed to the pessimism all this brings.
… Read more about: The tradition of feeling thankful – even this year  »

By Laura Sayles

MNA Governmental Affairs Specialist
Congratulations MNA Endorsed Candidates!

In Tuesday’s Minnesota Primaries, many MNA endorsed candidates who had primary opponents won their races and will move on to November’s General Election.

MNA was proud to be one of only two unions to endorse Ilhan Omar in her race for the DFL endorsement in House District 60B.  MNA nurses were impressed by the work she has done on winning paid parental leave for Minneapolis city employees, banning environmentally harmful containers, restricting the use of pollinator-harming pesticides, and expanding the use of restorative justice in Minneapolis.  Her story of her entry into politics through interpreting for her grandfather at local DFL caucuses leading to her to work for change at the grassroots level inspired MNA nurses to support her bid for the DFL endorsement. 
… Read more about: MNA Endorsed Candidates Move On to General Election  »