Elections (Page 4)

Blog posts categorized as Elections will pull into the Issues & Advocacy > Elections page.


Contact: Barb Brady
(office) 651-414-2849
(cell) 651-202-0845

Rick Fuentes
(office) 651-414-2863
(cell) 612-741-0662

(St. Paul) –   September 5, 2018 –  The Board of Directors of the Minnesota Nurses Association has voted to endorse Congressman Tim Walz in his bid to be Minnesota’s next Governor and Representative Peggy Flanagan as the next Lieutenant Governor.  Nurses based their decision on screening sessions before and after the primary that demonstrated Walz and Flanagan’s dedication to expanding access to healthcare for all Minnesotans and the protection of union rights for all workers.
… Read more about: Press Release: Nurses endorse Tim Walz for Governor and Peggy Flanagan for Lt. Governor  »

By Amanda Madison, RN, MNA Digital Political Organizer

MNA nurses believe that all people are connected through our shared humanity, and that we all deserve a healthy and prosperous life, no matter what we look like or where we come from. Our values are reflected in our vision of a better future:

  • A healthcare system that provides affordable and accessible care, including medical, mental, surgical, dental, preventative, long-term, and end-of-life care
  • Healthcare facilities that prioritize patient care above all else and are safe spaces for people to support one another as they work and heal
  • Employers who provide fair wages and benefits and give us the opportunity to spend time with our families, take care of ourselves and our loved ones, and live to our full potential.
  • … Read more about: Nurses Care. Nurses Vote.  »


Contact: Barb Brady
(office) 651-414-2849
(cell) 651-202-0845

Rick Fuentes
(office) 651-414-2863
(cell) 612-741-0662

(St. Paul) – August 24, 2018 – The Board of Directors of the Minnesota Nurses Association has voted to endorse Congress member Keith Ellison in his bid to be Minnesota’s next Attorney General. Nurses based their decision on Ellison’s years of continued support for healthcare and justice policies and confidence that Ellison would use the Attorney General’s office to act as the consumer advocate that fights to increase Minnesotans’ access to affordable and accessible health care.
… Read more about: Press Release: Nurses endorse Keith Ellison for Attorney General  »

By Amanda Madison, RN, MNA Digital Political Organizer

You can’t deny it – Erin Murphy is someone special. True to her nursing roots, Erin Murphy cares deeply about all of us and works harder than anyone for the future of our great state. She’s in it for the right reasons. She’s genuine and passionate. She’s a committed champion for healthcare for all and our freedom to join together in union and collectively bargain. It’s Erin Murphy’s authenticity and grit that win over just about everyone she encounters. It’s why so many MNA members chose to endorse her last fall, and why the MNA Board of Directors chose to dedicate an unprecedented amount of time and resources to getting her elected.
… Read more about: Are you ready?  »

By Katie Gjertson

MNA Political Coordinator


Minnesota’s Primary Election is right around the corner! Eligible voters from every corner of the state will have their chance to cast their ballot in support of the candidates they believe line up with their values, their issues and their vision for the future of Minnesota. Primary elections are our opportunity, as voters, to shape the ticket to reflect what we want it to be in November. Let’s get out the vote for the 2018 Minnesota primary!

Never voted in a Primary Election before? Here are the top ten things you need to know before you head to the polls.
… Read more about: The Top 10 Things You Need to Know to Be a Primary Voter  »

By Jackie O’Shea

MNA Political Organizer


Politics affects every part of our lives to the point where I believe it can be overwhelming for people. Minnesota’s political landscape this year is large; the amount of work to be done is extremely daunting; there are too many elections; and there’s not enough time to pay attention, much less volunteer for all of them. However, every election, no matter how big or small, is extremely important. I understand why some voters need to tune it out. It’s too much for me at times, and it’s my job to pay attention.
… Read more about: Parting the Political Fog  »

By Rick Fuentes

MNA Communications Specialist

(Note:  the author is teaching an educational session Wednesday, April 25 on social media at the MNA office at 345 Randolph Ave in St. Paul.  RSVPs for the class are available here:  https://mnnurses.org/events/?eventID=1532)

Facebook is in a lot of hot water, and many users may not even understand why.  What Facebook did wasn’t legally wrong, but it was a serious lapse in judgment.  MNA members, nurses, and others who are social media consumers have no choice but to protect ourselves from Facebook and the people who take advantage of Facebook.


Let’s review. 
… Read more about: Protect Yourself on Facebook  »

By Diane Mclaughlin

MNA Member, Retired and GAC Commissioner


I’m an active MNA member and a returning Governmental Affairs Commissioner. I assisted in the screening of gubernatorial candidates last October that resulted in the endorsement of state Rep. Erin Murphy (DFL-St. Paul). So, participation in the political realm is not new to me.


After being vocal at my precinct caucus and presenting numerous resolutions in front of my area neighbors, I was granted the opportunity to represent the caucus at the senate district convention. Conventions can be rowdy, competitive, and vibrant interactions of people.
… Read more about: Caucusing for Erin Murphy  »

By Tara Fugate

MNA Strategic Researcher


Moving from Michigan to Minnesota has brought me many new experiences, from trying my first Hot Dish to navigating the State Fair. After living in this state for a year, I am still discovering new things daily. My most recent Minnesota “firsts” were trips to my local precinct caucus and my senate district convention. Unlike Minnesota, my native Michigan does not use party caucuses or conventions. This process was entirely new to me as was the importance of getting involved with the DFL party on a local level. Having never participated in caucuses before, the road to the state DFL convention seemed overwhelming and complicated.
… Read more about: My First Caucus and Senate District Convention  »


By Jackie O’Shea

MNA Political Organizer

Elections are the root of our democracy, and saying 2018 is going to be a hectic year politically is an understatement. In Minnesota, there are open races for Governor and Lieutenant Governor; statewide races for Attorney General, Auditor, and Secretary of State and a US Senator; eight U.S. Congressional races, and 134 seats in the Minnesota House of Representatives all up for re-election this year. Plus, other important local races, including city council seats, school board commissioners, and county elected positions are up for grabs.


Electing nurse champions is the important first step towards the main goal of our political organizing, which is passing legislation.
… Read more about: Holding Our Democracy Accountable  »