MNA Blog (Page 86)

Recent news and updates from the Minnesota Nurses Association.


Tax Fairness Rally   WHEN: Monday, November 12th at 11:00am – Noon
WHERE: S 8th Street and Nicollet Mall in Minneapolis.

Twilight for Twinkies?  Striking workers formed a picket line at the company’s Sacramento, Calif., plant Sunday, two days after the walkout began when the company imposed a contract that would cut wages by 8 percent.


Nurses in Short Supply for Veterans   Samiley’s specialty at the VA’s primary care clinic is homeless veterans. Most of his patients served in the Vietnam War and come with diabetes or hypertension as well as mental health needs.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, November 12, 2012: Nurses in short supply for Vets; Twilight for Twinkies?  »


Rep. Erin Murphy Is New House Majority Leader   House Democrats have elected former MNA Executive Director, Erin Murphy as House Majority Leader.

Hurricane Sandy Update   Aid to victims of hurricane Sandy is still very much needed.  The AFL-CIO is coordinating with United Way to raise funds to help families devastated by the disaster.  Here’s the link to help.


NY Subway Repairs Border on “the Edge of Magic”    Workers traversed darkened, slippery tunnels, inspecting sludgy tracks, equipment and third rails. Even the subway map itself was reimagined, as bright lines were faded to represent downed service.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, November 9, 2012: Congrats Rep. Erin Murphy  »


Hospitals Gamble on Urgent Care To Keep Patients Healthy  When Stephen Wheeler realized he had an aching, swollen finger, he called his primary care doctor, who works for MedStar Health. The doctor referred him to PromptCare, an urgent care clinic owned by the same hospital chain and located in a strip mall in the Baltimore suburbs.

Obama’s Health Care Law Turns into a Sprint 
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, November 8, 2012:  »

Its place assured alongside Medicare and Medicaid, President Barack Obama’s health care law is now in a sprint to the finish line, with just 11 months to go before millions of uninsured people can start signing up for coverage. 


Election Results are a Victory For All Families   AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka says the Obama win moves nation on a “path of sanity and shared prosperity.”

After Winning Back Legislature, Dems Take Care Not to “Overstep.”    Spending the last two years in the minority has been a sobering experience for DFLers. But it’s also been educational. They’ve seen what happens when a majority party jams things like marriage and voting amendments onto the ballo without bipartisan support.


Affordable Health Care Act Survives – Barely   Preserving the ACA was not a case of America putting its best foot forward. 
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, November 7, 2012: Elections Reflections; Long shifts=RN burnout  »



Dressed as mindless zombies, nurses took to Main Street in Bagley on Halloween to call attention to Sanford hospital management proposals that they said are “scary” when it comes to protecting patient safety.

“In an unprecedented move, Sanford management came in and threw out a union contract that had been in place for decades,” said Rachel Lewis, an LPN at Sanford Bagley Medical Center. “This contract existed for a reason – it kept our patients safe and gave nurses a voice in the workplace. Our nurses are also being forced to work 14-to-16 hour shifts at times because management isn’t providing us with the ancillary staff needed for non-patient care duties.”

Represented by the Minnesota Nurses Association, a group of 30 Bagley LPNs and RNs have been bargaining with Sanford officials since April 2012 regarding a new labor contract.
… Read more about: Video Recap: Bagley Nurses Halloween Action  »