Nursing (Page 9)

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OpEd: Report Medical Errors and Caregiver Injuries   Every 24 hours across the nation there are, on average, 4,658 newly identified hospital-acquired infections, 1,369 patient falls and perhaps as many as 800,000 medication errors. Furthermore, injuries to caregivers are among the highest rates of any occupation, with as many as 950 injuries per day in the United States.


A Hospital Bill Without the Hospital    To many people this may be the equivalent of billing for oral surgery after a teeth cleaning. But Lahey Hospital and Medical Center, which owns the dermatology practice, said Reed’s insurer allows the Burlington hospital to charge patients an overhead fee when they are treated by doctors it employs — even when their offices are not located in the hospital but in a medical building 1½ miles away.
… Read more about: MNA NewsScan, January 28, 2013: Medical errors & caregiver injuries need Presidential priority  »


When Paying It Forward Pays Us Back    One such example is the Transitional Care Model (TCM), which provides planning and home follow-up by trained nurses for chronically ill Medicare patients during and after hospitalization. The TCM illustrates a key point. Often, to save money you need to change systems, or add new functions, not just cut things.

Nurse Staffing, Bedsores Remain on Parkland Problem List    Parkland Memorial Hospital has completed 94 percent of the quality and patient safety targets necessary for it to continue receiving federal funding, but the institution continues to struggle in the areas of nurse staffing, timely patient discharges and bedsore prevention, according to a report given to the hospital’s Board of Managers Tuesday.
… Read more about: MNA NewsScan, January 23, 2013: When paying it forward pays us back; Prolong CPR  »


Nursing Receives Unproportionately Low Percentage of NIH Budget   Specifically, nurses get 0.75% of the US National Institutes of Health budget, even though nurses make up the majority of health professionals in the US.

Nurse-Led Recycling Initiative Reduces OR Waste   Pallotta and her OR colleagues were spurred to action when they read a study that found a large proportion of OR products could be recycled. What followed was a nurse-driven, evidence-based study and analysis of HackensackUMC’s practices and how they could be altered.


MnSCU, 4-year Faculty Reach Contract Agreement    The agreement includes a 2.2 percent pay raise, retroactive to last fall, said Nancy Black, president of the Inter Faculty Organization.
… Read more about: MNA NewsScan, January 16, 2013: Where’s the love from NIH for RNs?  »

Legislative Session Begins

On Tuesday, the 2013 Session of the Minnesota Legislature began. Both the House and Senate have introduced their first key pieces of legislation:

  • The House and Senate each introduced a bill to establish a health insurance exchange, a key part of the Affordable Care Act that will provide an online marketplace for Minnesotans to compare different health insurance policies. This is an opportunity to improve access to health care and lower costs for uninsured and underinsured Minnesotans. The bill was crafted by a bipartisan group including chief House author Rep. Joe Atkins (DFL-Inver Grove Heights), Representative Jim Abeler (R-Anoka) and Representative Greg Davids (R-Preston).
  • … Read more about: MNA Legislative Update, January 11, 2013  »


Poor Performance Means Less Medicare Reimbursement for Most Minnesota Hospitals Medicare is revamping its payment system for hospitals as part of an effort to make them accountable on quality. The latest change will give bonuses and penalties to hospitals based on how well they performed on quality measures.

Health Care and Pursuit of a Profit Make a Poor Mix   A shareholder might even applaud the creativity with which profit-seeking institutions go about seeking profit. But the consequences of this pursuit might not be so great for other stakeholders in the system — patients, for instance.
… Read more about: MNA NewsScan, January 9, 2012: Medicare Penalizes MN hospitals; For profit=poor care  »


Twin Cities Nurses Ratify Contract   Although negotiations between nurses and hospitals in 2010 featured a loud
public debate over nurse-to-patient staffing ratios, the parties didn’t debate
the issue this time.


In Their Own Words:  Health Care Industry Leader:  “Hospital Care 3,000 Times Less Safe Than Air Travel”    “The  Harvard Medical Practice Study (of 1991) showed that 1% of hospital patients  were injured due to errors judged… to be negligent. That’s a death or injury  rate of 10,000 per million. The U.S. airline comparative number is 341 people  dead or injured in 95.2 million flights, U.S.
… Read more about: MNA NewsScan, December 21, 2012: TC nurses approve 3 yr contract; Hospital care 3k less safe than air travel  »

Twin Cities Nurses Ratify Three-Year Contract

For Immediate Release: December 20, 2012

Contact: Rick Fuentes: 651-414-2863/cell: 612-741-0662
Jan Rabbers: 651-414-2861/cell: 612-860-6658

(St. Paul) – Twin Cities nurses represented by the Minnesota Nurses Association ratified its contract today with health care systems represented by the Minnesota Hospitals Association.   The three-year agreement is effective June 1, 2013  – May 31, 2016 and impacts 12,000 nurses working in 13 different facilities in the metro area.

Nurses have agreed to a contract that will increase wages by 4.5% over three years     “When they approached us, we saw a great opportunity for an efficient process that would be good for our communities and our patients,” said MNAPresident, Linda Hamilton.
… Read more about: MNA Twin Cities Contract is Ratified  »


More Young Adults Are Homeless   Across the country, tens of thousands of underemployed and jobless young people, many with college credits or work histories, are struggling to house themselves in the wake of the recession, which has left workers between the ages of 18 and 24 with the highest unemployment rate of all adults.

RNs Picket at UMass “12 Days of Grinchmas”   The daily picketing, which began on Dec. 10 and will continue through Dec. 21, is being held for one hour each day. Nurses will hold Grinch-themed signs and candles, and sing some special UMass-oriented Grinchmas carols as part of their protest against deteriorating staffing conditions and management’s lack of concern for its patients and employees.
… Read more about: MNA NewsScan, December 19, 2012: Hospital lays off hundreds and still renovates; For-profit prison operator sued for prisoner death  »


Nurses Call for Action on Nation’s Ravaged Mental Health Services    “This is a massive tragedy that is being played out on a smaller scale every day in emergency rooms, in mental health facilities, and on the streets across our country, where, with sometimes devastating consequences, mental health is underfunded to a shocking, and sometimes deadly degree,” said Deborah Burger, RN, co-president of National Nurses United, the largest U.S. organization of nurses.

RN Senator Named to MN Senate Leadership Team   On Monday, incoming Senate Majority Leader Tom Bakk, DFL-Cook, completed his leadership team by picking Sen. Chris Eaton, DFL-Brooklyn Park, and Sen.
… Read more about: MNA NewsScan, December 18, 2012: Nurses call for action on nation’s ravaged mental health system  »


Electronic Health Records May Turn Small Errors into Big Ones    According to a review by the Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority, mistakes and near misses involving electronic health records were analogous to those made with paper-based records with one caveat: those made with EHRs tend to be amplified and can affect a larger group of people.


Bay Area Nurses to Strike on Christmas Eve   Union officials say the strike—the eighth by the association since September 2011—was not called over a salary dispute, but comes as the union and the hospitals remain at odds over staffing levels, health benefits and sick days.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, December 17, 2012: Do EHRs mean bigger problems?; RNs to strike on Christmas eve  »