Minnesota Nurses Association (Page 14)

On Thursday, October 17, MNA nurses are taking their concerns directly to management at Sanford hospitals.  At Bagley, nurses are concerned they’re being asked to cover more patient assignments for each nurse and doctor.  At Thief River Falls, nurses are concerned their own health insurance benefits are being cut.  In Bemidji, nurses are concerned that untrained staff are monitoring patients on telemetry.
… Read more about: Video: Thief River Falls petition to Sanford HR  »

On Thursday, October 17, MNA nurses are taking their concerns directly to management at Sanford hospitals.  At Bagley, nurses are concerned they’re being asked to cover more patient assignments for each nurse and doctor.  At Thief River Falls, nurses are concerned their own health insurance benefits are being cut.  In Bemidji, nurses are concerned that untrained staff are monitoring patients on telemetry equipment.
… Read more about: Bagley nurses deliver message to hospital management  »

Coming to the 109th Nurses Convention?  Grab a great deal at the Minnesota Nurses Association Foundation Silent Auction.  The 6th annual silent auction to benefit the MNAF includes original art, theater tickets, hotel stays, skin treatments, haircuts, and concert passes.
All of the money generated from the silent auction goes to the grants and scholarships awarded to nurses studying important health and wellness issues facing Minnesotans. In 2013, the MNAF awarded $91,000.00 total to 37 recipients.

Here are some items:

Hosko print

Signed, limited-edition pen and ink illustration by Bill Hosko of the Hoskogallery
… Read more about: Auction to benefit MNAF  »

Dirty money concept.For the second time this month, financial experts are predicting a tough year ahead for the non-profit hospital industry.  First, Standard & Poor’s rating services analyst said profit ratios will be down in 2013 (link here)  Now, Moody’s Investors Service is saying expenses outpaced revenue last year as patient revenue slipped by half a percent (found here).  What’s more, both reports say that efficiencies in hospital business were actualized last year and won’t produce any more savings in the future.  In other words, hospitals got lean and can’t get leaner.

Add to that the paralyzing fear many hospital CEOs are feeling over the effects of the Affordable Care Act, reduced payments from many insurance companies (such as Blue Cross/Blue Shield), and reduced government dollars for patients who are readmitted. 
… Read more about: Hospitals bleeding money?  »

Minnesota nurses are staffing the State Fair again to speak to the same people they care for every day.  Patients in Minnesota are at risk, and their safety stands to improve if they’re know how their hospitals are measuring up.  Thanks to the work nurses did during the last legislative session, consumers will have more information before deciding where to go for care, and, once they access that, they’ll see the real situation of safety in hospitals.fair5

Nurses are reminding fairgoers that they already have a website where they can check hospital quality for a number of different outcomes. 
… Read more about: Minnesota State Fair: Safety on a stick  »

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHospitals are bending over backward to increase their patient satisfaction scores, and, especially now, as it may affect their ability to bill patients.  Hospitals are adding room service, suites, and even “care guides” to help patients meet health and recovery goals.

The answer to patient satisfaction isn’t a new piano in the lobby, it’s right inside each patient’s room.  It’s the nurse.  Nurses say they’re often asked, “can you just sit with me a while?” by a patient.  Or the patient will even ask a nurse who’s charting if he or she can just turn around and face them while they have to also look at the computer. 
… Read more about: Patient satisfaction is easy. Talk to a nurse.  »

Bravo to Theresa Brown, RN, for writing an eye-opening Op-Ed, exposing the dangers faced by patients when not enough nurses are on duty.  The New York Times published her opinion on Sun., Aug. 18, which puts this issue front and center, where it should be.   Read the OpEd here.  
We encourage you to read the entire piece, along with the Comments Section AND participate in the online discussion.
Brown mentions only one piece of legislation being considered by Congress to address the issue of poor staffing levels, but it is important to know that efforts are being led by nursing communities (including National Nurses United) to advance other bills on the federal and state levels as well.
… Read more about: When No One is On Call  »


By Linda Hamilton, RN, BSN

It’s a great day for workers. With one fight won at the linen workers union Local 150 and one fight not won, YET. After a strike that lasted only one day the workers who launder our hospital scrubs and linens successfully secured their pensions and restored sick time benefits the management sought to steal from their workers.   President Jean Ross joined MNA leaders as well as Speaker of the Minnesota House Paul Thissen and Minnesota Senator Tom Bakk to rally together with many unions to support the striking LIUNA laborers at Cretex as they also fight for to keep their pension, affordable health care and a safe workplace.
… Read more about: MNA Nurses support LIUNA Local 563 at Cretex Rally  »