Activism (Page 7)

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders stopped by a reception to speak to Registered Nurse Members of the Minnesota Nurses Association.  Hundreds of MNA members have organized “Nurses4Bernie” rallies in Minnesota and Iowa to drum up support for the Democratic Presidential candidate.  After the event, Sanders spoke at the Humphrey-Mondale fundraiser dinner in St. Paul, Minnesota.
… Read more about: Video: Bernie Sanders Speaks to Minnesota Nurses Association Members  »

Nurses throughout Minnesota know of instances of employers intimidating and retaliating against staff for a wide variety reasons, like reporting unsafe staffing,  speaking up when they disagree with a program or pilot, reporting managerial unethical or illegal behavior, engaging in union activities, and many more.

These types of incidents can cause managers and administration some headaches, but they are all part of the ebb and flow of the employer-employee relationship. Unless, of course, the employee is punished for legal and ethical actions.

Unfortunately, retaliation in the workplace is all too commonplace – and not just in hospitals.

For nurses, the opportunities for retaliation are higher than in many other fields.
… Read more about: Retaliation is a real issue in nursing  »

Please contact Senators Klobuchar and Franken today – and ask them to vote against the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act (CROmnibus) bill unless unacceptable provisions are removed.

The bill, which narrowly passed the House this week, is up for a vote in the Senate this weekend.

According to National Nurses United, the measure contains new handouts for Wall Street, wealthy political donors, and attacks the living standards of pensioners.

In a letter to members of the Senate on Friday, NNU Co-President Karen Higgins warned that “cutting pensions for seniors on fixed incomes, providing one more give-away to Wall Street and allowing the rich to further corrupt our nation’s elections move this country in the wrong direction.”

MNA members can compose and send messages directly to the senators from the online Action Center.
… Read more about: Urgent message for MNA members  »

leadership compass

Minnesota’s party primaries are over, and the November 4 general election slate of candidates is set.  It’s now time to make sure that candidates who share nurses’ values are elected.

If we hope to make progress toward staffing legislation that will keep patients safe, nurses need to help make sure voters to go the polls and elect candidates who will advocate for nursing, our patients, and our communities.

Nurses are the most trusted profession in the United States and the best messenger to let voters know about the candidates who will be on the side of working families.
… Read more about: Help elect candidates who support nurses  »

National Nurses United


Media Advisory, Photo Opportunity                                   July 18, 2014
Contact: Liz Jacobs, RN, 510-435-7674, Bill Gallagher, 818-355-8691, or Sarah Cecile, 510-541-9570

Big March and Rally Today in Detroit to Protest Water Shutoffs by City:  ‘Turn On the Water, Tax Wall Street’

Responding to the controversial decision of Detroit and Michigan officials to shut off water for tens of thousands of city residents, a broad coalition of national, international, and Detroit area organizations will hold a major protest march and rally today in Detroit.

Marchers will voice support for the many in Detroit who have been calling for a declaration of a health care emergency in the city and call for an immediate moratorium on the water shutoffs and restoration of water service to those who have had their water cut off.
… Read more about: Nurses: Water Shut-off Measure in Detroit Endangers Public Health  »

The sidewalks around North Memorial Hospital in Robbinsdale on June 24 were filled with more than 500 nurses, nurse assistants, janitors, food service workers and supporters from as far away as Bemidji uniting in opposition to the hospital’s plan to cut nursing staff to dangerously low levels.

They spoke loudly and passionately about the hospital’s plan to increase the number of patients each nurse cares for and how it would endanger patient safety.

“They want to change the game and decrease staff to unsafe levels,” said North Memorial MNA Nurses Co-Chair Mary Turner. “North Memorial nurses want to provide the care patients need and deserve – and this plan will reduce our ability to provide safe care for every patient.”

“Patient safety has always been my number-one concern,” said North Memorial nurse Monifa Owens, who picketed with her baby son and teen-age daughter.
… Read more about: North Memorial Nurses Send a Clear Message: Protect Patient Safety  »