Activism (Page 15)


Fix for the Modern Hospital:  A Design for Healing   Rarely is nurse Cindy Steckel possessed by fantasies of unspeakable revenge. Toilet design, however, does provoke her fury.  Whoever is responsible for the slim-doored, cramped configuration of patient bathrooms in most American hospitals draws her scorn. “I don’t know if there wasn’t such a thing as a walker back then,” she says. “But if I could get my hands on the guy who designed these…!”

Study:  Medicaid Expansion Would Extend Coverage to 21M Americans at Modest Cost to States    Since the federal government will pick up most of the tab for the Medicaid expansion, the states that choose to participate will be able to extend insurance to millions of poor and vulnerable Americans without using much of their own funds.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, November 27, 2012: A pension deficit disorder; Design for healing  »


Buffet:  A Minimum Tax for the Wealthy  “And, wow, do we have plenty to invest. The Forbes 400, the wealthiest individuals in America, hit a new group record for wealth this year: $1.7 trillion. That’s more than five times the $300 billion total in 1992. In recent years, my gang has been leaving the middle class in the dust.”

In Michigan, New Push for Right-To-Work Law  Pressure is mounting for the Legislature to pass a right-to-work bill with one  group circulating a video it claims proves Gov. Rick Snyder would sign such  legislation.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, November 26, 2012: Buffet rule-“pay up;” RTW back in Michigan?  »


Hospitals Spend Big Advertising Bucks to Attract New Patients   But some health care experts question whether hospitals should spend so much money on promotion and advertising, especially the nonprofit health systems that pour tax-exempt funds into these campaigns.

Accretive Pays Harassed Hospital Patients   Minnesota hospital patients who endured abusive billing tactics linked to Accretive Health Inc. have begun receiving restitution payments averaging $4,000 apiece, Attorney General Lori Swanson said Tuesday.

Political Cartoon:  Pilgrim’s Progress


Support Wal-Mart Workers on Black Friday

Worker Group Says Wal-Mart Management Scripted to Threaten Workers

EEOC Settlements Indicate Employers Pay Big For Sexual Harassment   Recent EEOC settlements demonstrate that when faced with egregious sexual harassment allegations, many employers would rather settle than face bad press, a prolonged trial and uncertain outcomes.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, November 21, 2012: Accretive pays; Thanks nurses  »


Natick (MA) Nurses Want More Staff   Mancuso, a Milford resident, said nurses have to pick up some duties of  personal care assistants, and also handle post-operative care that may pull them  away from their regular rounds.”Overall we’re taking on more hats and not getting any help,” she said.

Strike is On at 10 Northern California Hospitals   This is the latest protest over demands by Sutter corporate officials for sweeping reductions in patient care protections and nurses’ contract standards – despite Sutter being one of the wealthiest hospital chains in the U.S.


Be Wary of the “Fix the Debt” Coalition    Fix the Debt, the unserious coalition of CEOs and corporations who are lobbying to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid while increasing tax breaks for their companies to send jobs overseas, have spent nearly $1 billion in lobbying and campaign contributions during the past four years, according to a new Public Campaign study.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, November 20, 2012: Sutter profits-patients suffer; Vets unaware of benefits due them  »


Dayton Urges Union Members to Fight for Better Pay   DFL Gov. Mark Dayton told several hundred janitors, security officers, airport service workers and retail cleaners on Saturday that they won’t get the wages they deserve unless they negotiate for it.


Why Health Care Costs Trillions Less in Canada    Between 1980 and 2009, Medicare  spending per beneficiary in the U.S. rose from $1,215 to $9,446, which was a  198% increase after adjusting for inflation. But in Canada, comparable spending  rose from $2,141 to $9,292, or an inflation-adjusted rate of 73%. Think of it  this way: for every $10 spent on services in the U.S., Canada spent $3.36.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, November 19, 2012: Hospital racket slows recovery; O! Canada for economical, great health care  »


“The American Nurse” is a love story for the profession.“I thought I was making a book that would celebrate nurses. I ended up gaining a better understanding of the country through the lens of the American nurse. I have altered my thinking about religion; I have completely changed my feelings about end-of-life.”


The ethics gap keeps widening for big moneyBP Fined a Record $4B; Displayed “Profit Over Prudence”   Federal officials blamed BP’s culture of profit for the spill. “The explosion of the rig was a disaster that resulted from BP’s culture of privileging profit over prudence,” said Assistant Atty.
… Read more about: MNA NewsScan, November 16, 2012: New book is love story to nursing profession  »


In the continuing meningitis outbreak scandal, today’s NY Times has an expose on how high-powered corporate influence helped drug compounders avoid tighter rules.

Cost of Providing Health Benefits Rises at Lowest Level in 15 Years   …. the rest of the story is that the low rate is directly due to employers forcing high-deductible plans on workers.


Sutter, HCA Nurses to Strike November 20   At the Sutter hospitals, the walkout is in response to demands by Sutter corporate officials for sweeping reductions in patient care protections and nurses’ contract standards at these hospitals.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, November 15, 2012: 49.7M in poverty; More workers face high-deductible health plans  »


MNA members are gathering at the headquarters office for a 3-day leadership skills tune up.   Read what Joe Howard said about his recent experience at an earlier training.

U.S. Rate of Premature Births Still at a “C;” Ranked with Somalia, Thailand and Turkey     The United States is slowly reducing its rate of premature births, bringing the rate to 11.7 percent in 2011, but the figure is still higher than public health advocates believe it should be.

Many Hospital Patients Receive Too Much Acetaminophen    Acetaminophen – sold as Tylenol – is a common painkiller on its own, but also an ingredient in stronger narcotics such as Percocet and Vicodin.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, November 14, 2012: Too much Tylenol?; $10M tax break to hospitals  »


Hospitals Mine Patient Data for Self-Promotion   You might not know it when you seek care from some of central Ohio’s hospital systems, but your health information makes you a potential marketing target.


Patients Shy About Requesting Providers Wash Hands   Only 64 percent and 54 percent of patients indicated that they would feel comfortable asking nurses or physicians to wash their hands, respectively. Still fewer patients (14 percent) reported having ever asked a healthcare worker to wash their hands.


WalMart Workers Organize Action for Black Friday   Walmart workers are trying to organize a single massive strike on Black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving, and the “official” start of Christmas shopping season).
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, November 13, 2012: Hospitals mine data for self-promotion  »