MNA Daily NewsScan, November 19, 2012: Hospital racket slows recovery; O! Canada for economical, great health care


Dayton Urges Union Members to Fight for Better Pay   DFL Gov. Mark Dayton told several hundred janitors, security officers, airport service workers and retail cleaners on Saturday that they won’t get the wages they deserve unless they negotiate for it.


Why Health Care Costs Trillions Less in Canada    Between 1980 and 2009, Medicare  spending per beneficiary in the U.S. rose from $1,215 to $9,446, which was a  198% increase after adjusting for inflation. But in Canada, comparable spending  rose from $2,141 to $9,292, or an inflation-adjusted rate of 73%. Think of it  this way: for every $10 spent on services in the U.S., Canada spent $3.36.


Hospital Racket Can Slow Recovery    A barrage of electronic alarms and conversations in hospitals leads to something more ominous than tossing and turning at night.  Restless sleep can mean slower recoveries, new research says.