Statement on Mayo Blackmail Tactics to Kill Bill to Protect Patients and Retain Nurses (Page 8)


Contact: Sam Fettig
(c) 612-741-0662
Lauren Nielsen
(c) 651-376-9709

Mayo threatens state leaders with billions in withdrawn investments if corporate demands are not met, reporting reveals   

(St. Paul) – May 5, 2023 – Reporting from the Minnesota Reformer today reveals that Mayo Clinic Health System has resorted to blackmail tactics, threatening to withdraw billions in investments from the state if its corporate demands are not met to kill provisions in the Health and Human Services omnibus bill behind closed doors, including the Keeping Nurses at the Bedside Act, a bill to retain and staff nurses to protect patient care.

The following is a statement from Mary C. Turner, RN, President of the Minnesota Nurses Association:

“The Keeping Nurses at the Bedside Act is designed to retain nurses and improve staffing to protect and improve patient care. Every patient, at every hospital in the state, deserves to know they will receive safe and high-quality care when they walk through the door of a hospital. One of the most important provisions of this bill is the transparency it will provide for patients, with a public grade on how well hospital executives are doing to meet the staffing plans made by managers and bedside workers together.

“This desperate move by executives at Mayo Clinic Health System makes clear exactly why this bill is needed at Mayo facilities, and at every hospital in the state. Mayo executives have repeatedly demonstrated a disregard for transparency with patients, prioritizing instead their own corporate profit motives. In the last year, reporting from the Rochester Post-Bulletin revealed that Mayo sued patients for collections who should have received charity care, and began charging massive hidden fees to patients. Mayo has also been host to a virulent anti-union campaign pushed by the National Right to Work Foundation and has closed or consolidated more than a dozen hospitals and clinics in recent years.

“All the while, Mayo top executives take millions in compensation, including a 27 percent raise for CEO Gianrico Farrugia to $3.5 million a year. Now these hospital executives are attempting to use blackmail tactics behind closed doors to kill provisions that would provide greater transparency and accountability to the very patients and communities they are meant to serve.”

“Minnesota nurses and all healthcare workers expect Governor Tim Walz, legislative leaders and all elected officials to stand with nurses and remember that they serve the people of Minnesota, not the profit motives of boardroom executives. It is time to pass the Health and Human Services omnibus bill with these important provisions intact for all hospitals, especially Mayo Clinic Health System, to provide critical transparency and protect patient care in Minnesota.”



Contact: Sam Fettig
(c) 612-741-0662
Lauren Nielsen
(c) 651-376-9709

Mayo threatens state leaders with billions in withdrawn investments if corporate demands are not met, reporting reveals   

(St. Paul) – May 5, 2023 – Reporting from the Minnesota Reformer today reveals that Mayo Clinic Health System has resorted to blackmail tactics, threatening to withdraw billions in investments from the state if its corporate demands are not met to kill provisions in the Health and Human Services omnibus bill behind closed doors, including the Keeping Nurses at the Bedside Act, a bill to retain and staff nurses to protect patient care.
… Read more about: Statement on Mayo Blackmail Tactics to Kill Bill to Protect Patients and Retain Nurses  »


Contact: Sam Fettig
(c) 612-741-0662
Lauren Nielsen
(c) 651-376-9709

Report comes as Keeping Nurses at the Bedside Act, a bill to retain and staff nurses to protect patient care, is taken up in conference committee with Health Omnibus bill   

PRESS CONFERENCE: Click here to watch video of the press conference releasing the new report

(St. Paul) – May 4, 2022 – Nurses with the Minnesota Nurses Association (MNA) today shared the results of an annual report on Concern for Safe Staffing (CFSS) forms which paint a bleak picture of the crisis of understaffing by hospital executives in Minnesota healthcare facilities.
… Read more about: New report details widespread understaffing in Minnesota hospitals, putting patient care at risk    »


Contact: Sam Fettig
(c) 612-741-0662

Lauren Nielsen
(c) 651-376-9709

(St. Paul) – May 3, 2022 – At 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, May 4, 2023, Minnesota nurses will hold a press conference at the Minnesota State Capitol to share the results of an annual report on Concern for Safe Staffing (CFSS) forms filed by nurses at hospitals throughout the state.  The report’s release comes as the Keeping Nurses at the Bedside Act, a nurse-led remedy to the staffing crisis, is considered as part of the Health and Human Services omnibus bills in conference committee.
… Read more about: Nurses to release annual ‘Concern for Safe Staffing’ report  »


Contact: Sam Fettig
(c) 612-741-0662

Lauren Nielsen
(c) 651-376-9709

Mary C. Turner, RN, MNA President, and Robyn Gulley confirmed today by Minnesota Legislature  
(St. Paul) – May 1, 2023 – The Minnesota Nurses Association (MNA) today celebrated the confirmation of two labor candidates to the University of Minnesota Board of Regents. The Minnesota Legislature in joint session today approved appointment of Mary C. Turner, RN, MNA President and Robyn Gulley to the University of Minnesota governing body.

“I am honored to have the overwhelming confidence of the Minnesota Legislature to take on this important work for University of Minnesota students, workers, and all Minnesotans who benefit from the reach of our incredible public university system,” said Mary C.
… Read more about: MNA Celebrates Confirmation of Labor Candidates to University of Minnesota Board of Regents    »


Contact: Sam Fettig
(c) 612-741-0662

Lauren Nielsen
(c) 651-376-9709

Bill to address nurse staffing, retention and patient care advances in health omnibus bills 

(St. Paul) – April 26, 2023 – Nurses with the Minnesota Nurses Association (MNA) and chief legislative authors today celebrated passage of the bipartisan Keeping Nurses at the Bedside Act in both chambers of the Minnesota Legislature. The bill passed last week as part of the Senate Health and Human Services omnibus bill (SF 2995), and today in the House Health omnibus bill (HF 2930).
… Read more about: Keeping Nurses at the Bedside Act passes Minnesota House and Senate  »


Contact: Sam Fettig
(c) 612-741-0662

Lauren Nielsen
(c) 651-376-9709


(St. Paul) – April 25, 2023 – Tomorrow, Wednesday, April 26, 2023, nurses will line the halls and hold a press conference outside the Minnesota House chamber ahead of an expected vote on the Keeping Nurses at the Bedside Act as part of the Health omnibus bill (HF 2930). Tomorrow’s vote in the House follows passage of the bill by the Minnesota Senate last week as part of that body’s Health and Human Services omnibus bill (SF 2995).
… Read more about: Nurses to line the halls, hold press conference outside House vote on Keeping Nurses at the Bedside Act in Health omnibus  »


Contact: Sam Fettig
(c) 612-741-0662
Lauren Nielsen
(c) 651-376-9709

New report from Board of Nursing underscores that there is no workforce shortage, but a crisis of retention in our hospitals
Keeping Nurses at the Bedside Act advancing at the legislature to address retention, short staffing, and patient care

(St. Paul) – April 25, 2023 – New data just released by the Minnesota Board of Nursing shows that the state has added 8,000 new Registered Nurses so far since 2022, bringing the total number licensed in the state to more than 130,000.
… Read more about: Minnesota adds 8,000 registered nurses this year, over 130,000 now licensed in state    »


Contact: Sam Fettig
(c) 612-741-0662
Lauren Nielsen
(c) 651-376-9709


(St. Paul) – April 18, 2023 – Tomorrow, Wednesday, April 19, 2023, nurses will line the halls and hold a press conference outside the Minnesota Senate chamber ahead of an expected vote on the Keeping Nurses at the Bedside Act as part of the Health and Human Services omnibus bill (SF 2995). Tomorrow’s vote will be the first time legislation to address nurse staffing levels has reached the floor of the Minnesota Senate.
… Read more about: Nurses to line the halls, hold press conference outside Senate vote on Keeping Nurses at the Bedside Act in Health and Human Services omnibus  »

By Cassie Snodgrass, RN, MNA Elections Committee Chair

MNA is YOU! You are what makes MNA a union – for nurses, made up of nurses, and led by nurses! Have you thought about running for a leadership position at MNA? There are so many benefits – it gives you a chance to shape policy and organization-wide positions. Do you feel strongly about setting the direction MNA is taking and establishing yearly goals or legislative priorities? Serving in a union leadership position will make your voice even more prominent and help sharpen your interpersonal and communications skills.

Consider serving in an MNA organization-wide leadership position on one of the following bodies:

  • Board of Directors
  • Commission on Governmental Affairs
  • Commission on Nursing Practice and Education
  • Elections Committee
  • Council of Active Retired Nurses (CARn) Leadership
  • MN AFL-CIO Delegate

Even if you don’t win, you’ll gain valuable insight and skills that could help you in your work and interpersonal relationships.
… Read more about: Running for MNA leadership – an experience you won’t regret!  »

Written by Mary Kirsling, Retired RN from Essentia Health – St. Mary’s Duluth, Member of Honors & Awards Committee

I have been a member of the MNA Honors and Awards Committee for several years. While I have served on many committees, this is my favorite. We have the privilege of learning about nurses who excel–individuals who mentor, inspire, encourage, lead, educate, and innovate. As a previous recipient, I cannot overstate how thrilling it is and how much it means to receive one of these awards. Most recipients are unaware of the difference they make, and recognition from peers is one of the best honors to receive.
… Read more about: Minnesota Nurses Association Honors & Awards  »