Politics (Page 13)


Right To Work Passes Michigan House    The Michigan House approved the first of two right-to-work bills Tuesday that would weaken union power in the historical labor stronghold as hundreds of protesters rallied at the Capitol.

Take Action!  Call
Michiganders right now to spread the word and tell them to contact Gov. Snyder
to let him this legislation is wrong for Michigan.


How Much Compensation is Too Much Compensation?  For while a sprawling health care system with nearly $1 billion in annual  revenues may be an extraordinarily complex operation maneuvering in a rapidly  changing market, ultimately Lancaster General Health and similar systems are  charities.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, December 11, 2012: RTW passes MI House; U.S. lives longer, sicker  »


Nurses Join Fight Against Michigan Right To Work Legislation   More than a dozen Michigan nurses stood on the steps of the Michigan Capitol this morning, their mouths covered in red duct tape in protest of right to work legislation.

Dayton:  Minnesota Is Getting Back to Work    Of the 2,700 Minnesota soldiers returning from Kuwait last spring, only 78 are still unemployed – a 90% improvement in only four months.


Study:  Nurse Phone Calls Reduce Risk of Readmission    In addition, healthcare costs decreased by about $1,225 for each patient enrolled in the program compared with similar patients who were not enrolled, reported researchers with the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, December 10, 2012: Nurses Protest RTW in MI  »


MNA Nurses Reach Tentative Agreement with Twin Cities Hospitals     The Minnesota Nurses Association and Twin Cities Hospitals reached agreement last night on new three-year-contracts, which are being unanimously recommended by the MNA Negotiating Committee for ratification by the membership.  Members, vote dates are Dec. 18, 19, 20.  Learn more about the agreement and the vote in the member portal.


Lame Duck Michigan Legislators Slam Through Right To Work Bills    In the state where workers sat down in Flint General Motors plants seventy-five years ago and emboldened the industrial labor movement that would give birth to the American middle class, Republican legislators on Thursday voted to gut basic labor rights. 
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, December 7, 2012: TC Nurse Contract Tentative Agreement; Sham Democracy in Michigan  »


Nurses Top Gallup Ethics and Honesty Poll for 12th Time in 13 Years.     Nurses’ high rating this year is not unexpected; they have scored at the top of all professions every year since they were first included in the list in 1999 — apart from 2001, when Gallup asked about “firefighters” on a one-time basis after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Moms, Nurses Plead to Keep Birthing Center    “Ironically, we were so busy with three births so far today, many of the nurses from the birthing center who were going to speak here today are unable to make it,” Sussman said as he stood in his scrubs, ready to return to the hospital.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, December 5, 2012: RNs tops in ethics again; MN faces $1.1B deficit  »


Unions Mobilize in Opposition to Right to Work as Preventive Measure   Michigan Republicans could decide as early as today whether or not to introduce a “right-to-work” proposal for consideration during the final weeks of the 2011-12 legislative session.


Metro Nurses Clue Legislators in on Staffing Issues  The second in a series of statewide Legislative “Meet and Greet” forums was held at MNA offices last night.  Eighteen metro area legislators joined nurses to hear a policy briefing from Government Affairs Specialists Carrie Mortrud, RN and Shannon Cunningham, followed by a lively discussion of MNA’s top priorities, safe staffing and protecting Minnesota’s high nursing standards.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, November 29, 2012: Metro legislators & RNs talk nursing values  »


MNA Legislative Meet & Greet in Alexandria an Eye-Opener for Elected Officials

30 nurses from Bemidji, Alexandria, and Fergus Falls gathered on Nov. 20 for a “Meet and Greet” with local legislators and a continuing education session on nurse advocacy.
MNA Nursing Practice Specialist Carol Deimert and MNA President Linda Hamilton presented on the Main Street Contract and the history of advocacy in nursing, “Nurses have a long history of being leaders in advocating for women’s rights, civil rights, and improvements to our healthcare system,” explained Deimert.
After the presentation, Rep. Paul Anderson (GOP- Starbuck) and Rep.-Elect (Ben Lein DFL-Moorhead) came to meet nurses and discuss some of the nursing issues the legislature may be addressing this session.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, November 28, 2012: MNA RNs in west central MN step up push for safe staffing; NY nurses leave ANA  »


Buffet:  A Minimum Tax for the Wealthy  “And, wow, do we have plenty to invest. The Forbes 400, the wealthiest individuals in America, hit a new group record for wealth this year: $1.7 trillion. That’s more than five times the $300 billion total in 1992. In recent years, my gang has been leaving the middle class in the dust.”

In Michigan, New Push for Right-To-Work Law  Pressure is mounting for the Legislature to pass a right-to-work bill with one  group circulating a video it claims proves Gov. Rick Snyder would sign such  legislation.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, November 26, 2012: Buffet rule-“pay up;” RTW back in Michigan?  »


Natick (MA) Nurses Want More Staff   Mancuso, a Milford resident, said nurses have to pick up some duties of  personal care assistants, and also handle post-operative care that may pull them  away from their regular rounds.”Overall we’re taking on more hats and not getting any help,” she said.

Strike is On at 10 Northern California Hospitals   This is the latest protest over demands by Sutter corporate officials for sweeping reductions in patient care protections and nurses’ contract standards – despite Sutter being one of the wealthiest hospital chains in the U.S.


Be Wary of the “Fix the Debt” Coalition    Fix the Debt, the unserious coalition of CEOs and corporations who are lobbying to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid while increasing tax breaks for their companies to send jobs overseas, have spent nearly $1 billion in lobbying and campaign contributions during the past four years, according to a new Public Campaign study.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, November 20, 2012: Sutter profits-patients suffer; Vets unaware of benefits due them  »


Dayton Urges Union Members to Fight for Better Pay   DFL Gov. Mark Dayton told several hundred janitors, security officers, airport service workers and retail cleaners on Saturday that they won’t get the wages they deserve unless they negotiate for it.


Why Health Care Costs Trillions Less in Canada    Between 1980 and 2009, Medicare  spending per beneficiary in the U.S. rose from $1,215 to $9,446, which was a  198% increase after adjusting for inflation. But in Canada, comparable spending  rose from $2,141 to $9,292, or an inflation-adjusted rate of 73%. Think of it  this way: for every $10 spent on services in the U.S., Canada spent $3.36.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, November 19, 2012: Hospital racket slows recovery; O! Canada for economical, great health care  »