Activism (Page 18)


Hospital Lobbies to Save Exec Pay   A Peninsula ballot measure that would limit the pay of executives at El Camino Hospital faces its toughest opposition from the hospital, which has donated three-quarters of the campaign funds to defeat the proposal.

Two Huge Health Systems Plan to Merge   The boards of two leading Catholic health systems, Trinity Health and Catholic Health East, have announced plans to join forces in 2013.



Corporate Profits Continue to Skyrocket.  What’s in your wallet?
… Read more about: MNA NewsScan, October 18, 2012: Lobby $$ spent to save hospital exec pay; Corp. profits skyrocket  »


Hospitals Add 8,000 New Jobs in September   Altogether, the healthcare sector added 43,500 jobs last month–more than a  third of the 114,000 jobs the U.S. economy added in September.

Mayo Clinic Adds Bismark Hospital to Network   The Mayo Clinic has added Bismarck-based St. Alexius Medical Center to its national network of hospitals, its first medical center in that part of North Dakota and its 10th in the past year.

The Ups and Downs of Electronic Medical Records   As health care providers adopt electronic records, the challenges have proved daunting, with a potential for mix-ups and confusion that can be frustrating, costly and even dangerous.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, October 10, 2012: Hospitals add 8k new jobs in Sept.; Adequate nurse staffing a universal problem  »


Rich-Poor Gap Widens in United States  The 1.2 million households whose incomes put them in the top 1 percent of the U.S. saw their earnings increase 5.5 percent last year.  Earnings fell 1.7 percent for the 96 million households in the bottom 80 percent — those that made less than $101,583.

RN’s Declare Victory in VA System   By an overwhelming majority, nurses at VA medical centers across the country have ratified a national contract, a master agreement unprecedented in its protections of patient care standards and for strengthening the voice of RNs in the care of the nation’s veterans.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, October 8, 2012: Wage Gap Widens; Union Victory for VA Nurses  »


Presidential Debate Review  On Health Care, Two Visions with Their Own Sets of Facts.  If there was one area where Mitt Romney and President Obama sometimes seemed to inhabit parallel universes at their debate on Wednesday night — with separate sets of assumptions, beliefs and even facts — it was on the question of health care and government’s role in providing it.


Another Study; More Proof Ratios Work   AHRQ:  State-Mandated Nurse Staffing Levels Alleviate Workloads, Leading to Lower Patient Mortality and Higher Nurse Satisfaction.  The legislation has increased nurse staffing levels and created more reasonable workloads for nurses in California hospitals, leading to fewer patient deaths and higher levels of job satisfaction than in other states without mandated staffing ratios.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, October 4, 2012: Prime new evidence that ratios work  »


Join nurses across the country at 2:00 p.m. TODAY (Oct. 2) as we  advocate for The Robin Hood Tax at the office of Rep. John Kline (Burnsville)

Home-Based Stroke Therapy Improves Outcomes, Eliminates Wait Times, Saves Money, Study Suggests   Home delivery of stroke rehabilitation improves care, eliminates waiting lists for treatment and saves hundreds of thousands of dollars annually in hospital costs, according to a quality improvement project presented October 1 at the Canadian Stroke Congress.

More Nursing Care Staff are Needed in Order to Curb Bacteria-related Deaths   What I saw in the nursing facilities makes me not want to be a patient there in the future.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, October 2, 2012: RN on the 47%- “my patients just need help;” join the Robin Hood action today  »