MNA Daily NewsScan, October 5, 2012: Health care leads jobs growth; Menengitis outbreak
Jobs Report: Unemployment Rate Drops to 7.8% The U.S. unemployment rate fell to 7.8 percent in September, down from 8.1 percent in July. That’s now the lowest level since January 2009. And, for once, the rate dropped because Americans are actually finding work—and not just dropping out of the labor force.
NNU Co-President Jean Ross Interviewed Regarding the Robin Hood Tax What was once a movement—is now legislation—thanks to Minnesota Representative –Keith Ellison. On NurseTalk Radio, RN Jean Ross explains why this is so important.
Menengitis Outbreak Spotlights Risk of Custom-made Drugs All these disasters involved medicines that had been custom-mixed at what are called “compounding pharmacies” — laboratories that supply hospitals, clinics and doctors to a much wider degree in the U.S.
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