MNA Blog (Page 54)

Recent news and updates from the Minnesota Nurses Association.

Contact: Rick Fuentes

(o) 651-414-2863
(c) 612-741-0662

Barbara Brady
(o) 651-414-2849
(c) 651-202-0845

(St. Paul) – June 8, 2016 – Today the Minnesota Nurses Association delivered the 10-day Notice of Intent to Strike to Allina Health executives. MNA Nurses at all five metro Allina hospitals will strike for seven days starting at 7 a.m. on Sunday, June 19, 2016 to 7 a.m. Sunday, June 26, 2016. This strike involves approximately 5,000 nurses at Abbott Northwestern, Phillips Eye Institute, Mercy, United, and Unity.

“We hope this action sends a clear-cut message to Allina what we think of their May 31 offer,” said Angela Becchetti, RN at Abbott Northwestern hospital.
… Read more about: Press Release: MNA nurses tell Allina Health strike begins June 19  »

Contact: Rick Fuentes
(o) 651-414-2863
(c) 612-741-0662

Barbara Brady
(o) 651-414-2849
(c) 651-202-0845

(St. Paul) – June 6, 2016 – Nurses represented by the Minnesota Nurses Association voted overwhelmingly to reject the latest offer by Allina Health and authorize the negotiating team to call a strike in the coming weeks.

Since February, the owner of Abbott Northwestern/Phillips Eye Institute, Mercy, United, and Unity hospitals has continued to make the same proposal to take away nurses’ affordable health plans and move them to corporate plans with big out-of-pocket costs for employees.

“Nurses know what’s at stake.
… Read more about: Press Release: MNA Nurses Reject Allina Contract Offer, Authorize Strike Strike Plans Now Being Made  »

By Barb Brady

MNA Communications Specialist

Amid all the frustration and chaos at the closing hours of the Minnesota Legislature this past weekend, there was one bright spot. MNA members from the Minnesota Security Hospital in St. Peter came to the Capitol to lobby for funding to increase safety at their hospital – and made a difference.

“It was quite the ride,” said Lori Olson, chair of the MNA State Employees Bargaining Unit. “We went to the Capitol and got seats on the floor. We let people know we need money, staff, and funding.”

Olson and other members began texting some legislators, explaining why the funding is needed.
… Read more about: State Nurses Show Their Influence  »

by Jon Tollefson

MNA Government Affairs Specialist


What a strange weekend! Most of it spent waiting for Senate DFLers and House Republicans to announce any agreements at all, whether on transportation, taxes, bonding, or the supplemental budget. At least the weather was nice, and the new Senate Office Building has comfortable hearing rooms and a lovely terrace overlooking the Capitol.


As often happens at the end of session, the last day was a frantic mix of private negotiations, quick floor sessions – and a lot of waiting around.


The House and Senate, as unfortunately has become usual, waited until the very last possible hour to finalize their agreements


Even then, they didn’t actually agree.
… Read more about: The Minnesota Mess  »



By Eileen Gavin

MNA Political Organizer

I have a hard time choosing the right gift for certain occasions. Like a lot of people, I get lost in the hustle and bustle of holiday seasons, stressing over the perfect presents to buy my loved ones. Each year is difficult for me to buy the “right” Mother’s Day gift or birthday present for my brother or sisters. I get lost at the mall and find myself staring blankly at the shelves while I tell myself I have to buy something that will convey just right my love to the people who matter most to me.
… Read more about: A Reflection on Nurses Week  »

By Laura Sayles

MNA Government Affairs Specialist

With exactly two weeks left in the Legislative Session, there’s a lot left to accomplish in a short amount of time. None of the major spending bills have been ironed out and the parties that need to agree (House, Senate, and Governor) are far apart on their Session priorities. When looking through the overviews of the documents that will get us through the end of Session, the phrase “no comparable provision” is a common refrain.


Bonding bill – The Governor proposed funding $1.4 billion in projects; House Republicans, who haven’t yet released their bill, want around $600 million.
… Read more about: Behind the Scenes Look at the Capitol  »

By Geri Katz

MNA Healthcare Reform Specialist

While we all suffer from a lack of access in our fragmented, expensive, inefficient healthcare system, women at even greater disadvantage than American men. Healthcare’s high costs and drive for profits makes women, especially women of color, at a higher risk of unbearable medical bills and poorer health outcomes.

Women are much more likely experience periods of unemployment (and often a loss of health insurance) to care for family. At the same time, women’s specific health issues cause them to seek medical care more frequently, including pregnancy, childbirth, and higher rates of many chronic diseases.
… Read more about: Women and Equity  »

nurses week open house

By Barb Brady

MNA Communications Specialist

May 6-12 is a time to celebrate nurses and all nurses do for patients and their communities.

Nurses Week celebrations are planned throughout Minnesota, including an open house at the MNA office in St. Paul.

MNA nurses are sponsoring a wide variety of events, and businesses in some communities have special offers just for nurses.

MNA is holding an open house at the St. Paul office on May 11. . Enjoy exciting education sessions, food, and drawings – and meet other MNA nurses!
… Read more about: Honor and celebrate nurses during Nurses Week  »

By Megan Gavin

MNA Education Specialist

On April 7, we welcomed 430 student nurses and faculty members from thirteen different colleges and universities to the MNA Student Nurses Day on the Hill. The event began with a social hour giving students an opportunity to network with MNA member leaders representing diverse nursing areas such as mental health, psychiatric nursing, surgery, PACU, oncology, and pediatrics. MNA committee and commission members hosted tables on Governmental Affairs, Nursing Practice, and Education Commissions as well as the MNA Foundation, Universal Healthcare, and the Nurses Peer-to-Peer Support Network.

President Mary Turner gave a welcome and shared her personal journey of becoming a politically active nurse.
… Read more about: Student Nurses Day on the Hill 2016 Is A Smashing Success  »



By Mathew J. Keller, RN JD

Regulatory and Policy Nursing Specialist

When patients are at risk, nurses are the first line of defense. But what happens when hospital leadership isn’t listening to its nurses? That’s the dilemma Clinical Nurse Specialist and 2015 MNA “Social Justice” Award winner Niki Gjere faced in reporting her concerns of unethical and dangerous research practices to Fairview-Riverside leaders (a site for recruitment of research subjects for the U’s psychiatric department) and University administrators, as detailed in Part I.

I believe this unassuming nurse leader is not only credible but courageous.
… Read more about: Nurse Whistleblower Stays the Course in the Face of Increasing Pressure—Part II  »