By Barb Brady

MNA Communications Specialist
MNA Communications Specialist
What do you get when you take several hundred nurses and mix in fun, learning, union solidarity, and inspiration? The 2018 MNA Convention and House of Delegates! It’s Oct. 5-8 at the Radisson Blu in downtown Minneapolis. MNA nurses will join together to learn about issues important to nurses, network, and set MNA’s course for the next year.
A special bonus this year: National Nurses United is bringing nurses from throughout the country to Minnesota for their national convention at the same time and place. It’s a great opportunity to connect with nurses from other states in addition to meeting or re-uniting with MNA members! NNU and MNA nurses will share education, socializing, and door-knocking to urge area residents to support pro-nurse candidates in the November Elections.
The theme running throughout the four days is Union Rights = Advocacy Rights. Nurses know union membership enables them to advocate for their patients and the nursing profession.
Registration is now open – sign up today!
Here are some of the education sessions planned for you:
- Revenge of the Nerds: How Science and Data Win Elections
- Upending Power Structures: What Women in Union Leadership Can Learn from the #MeToo Movement
- Nursing in a New Era: Learning And Applying Structural Competency
- Collective Action as a Stress Relief Measure
- Everything You Wanted to Know About Nursing, But Were Afraid to Ask
- RN Values in Action.
Nurses will come together as delegates during the House of Delegates to guide the union’s course for the next year. As a democratically run union, members vote and have a say in MNA’s priorities and actions.
Special events:
There’s still time to nominate your unsung heroes for an award: you have until July 1 to submit your nomination to MNA. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to shine a light on those who deserve special thanks!
October 6: NNU and MNA nurses will join together to go door to door to have conversations with voters about the need for healthcare for all and the importance of voting in the November elections. Bring your sneakers and show your passion for patients and nursing! We will train you on best practices and pair you up so you won’t be alone!
Special entertainment, October 6: Enjoy the humor of two Minnesota comedians to end your day on a bright note. Mary Mack and Tommy Ryman are popular comedians on national television, radio, podcasts, and comedy clubs throughout the Midwest and the U.S.

If you’d like to submit a proposed bylaw or resolution change for the House of Delegates to consider, you can find the Call for Resolutions and Bylaws on the Forms page of the Member Center on MNA’s website.
The deadline is July 15.
Check out the special insert in this edition of Accent for more details – and to register. You can also register in the Events section of MNA’s website at
See you in October!