TOMORROW: Hundreds of nurses to rally downtown, confront corporate healthcare executives in the fight for fair contracts to put patients before profits 


Contact: Sam Fettig
(c) 612-741-0662
Lauren Nielsen
(c) 651-376-9709

Over a month since 15,000 nurses went on strike, hospital executives continue to refuse agreement on nurses’ top issues of safe staffing and retention to solve the crisis of care and working conditions in our hospitals  

(St. Paul) – November 1, 2022 – Tomorrow, Wednesday, November 2, 2022, hundreds of nurses with the Minnesota Nurses Association and supporters will gather in downtown Minneapolis to confront executives who are pushing disastrous corporate healthcare policies in our hospitals that have created a crisis of care and working conditions at the bedside.

The rally comes more than a month after 15,000 nurses in Minnesota held a historic three-day strike. Since that time, nurses have been back at the negotiating table, trying everything possible to reach agreement with hospital CEOs on a contract to put patients before profits. Unfortunately, hospital executives continue to refuse to work with nurses to solve the issues of short-staffing and unsustainable working conditions which are driving nurses from the bedside and negatively impacting patient care.

At the gathering on Wednesday, nurses will speak out on the crisis in our hospitals and the stalemate hospital executives have created at the bargaining table. Nurses and community members will also highlight the persistent racial disparities that banking and healthcare executives have failed to rectify. Nurses will call on hospital executives and board of director members to step up and solve the crisis their corporate policies have created.

TIME’S UP: Nurses Are Taking It to the Bank Rally

  • When: Tomorrow, Wednesday, November 2, 2022, 12:00 p.m.
  • Where: U.S. Bank Corporate Offices, Corner of Nicollet Mall & S. 8th St., Minneapolis 55402
  • Who: Nurses with the Minnesota Nurses Association and community supporters
  • What: Rally to confront corporate executives who have created a crisis in our hospitals
  • Why: To win fair contracts that put patients before profits and solve the crisis of care and working conditions in our hospitals