MNA Daily NewsScan: June 15, 2012 - Unsafe Staffing - Firefighter Edition (Page 99)

What is this? The MNA Daily NewsScan rounds up the day’s biggest nursing, health care and organized labor stories.  As news unfolds in real-time, we update the NewsScan with new links and info, so check back often!

Stories we’re scanning:


  • Unnecessary Risk: Minneapolis firefighters tell state legislators about the risks to personal and public safety due to staffing and budget cuts.
  • Sutter Nurses Strike Recap: View photos from the one-day strike in California and find out more about the situation.

Stories we’re scanning:


Health Cost Relief Only Temporary   If health care spending isn’t brought in line with overall economic growth, Americans will eventually face agonizing choices between paying medical bills and funding other priorities such as education and infrastructure.


Kansas City Nurses Reaffirm Commitment to  NNU  A spokeswoman for the National Nurses Organizing Committee of National Nurses United said the vote this week was 260 to 92 in favor of the union.


America Without A Union Movement?  When labor was at its numerical apogee in 1955, the wealthiest 10 percent claimed just 33 percent of the nation’s income.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, June 14, 2012: No unions = huge wage gap; Mich. nurses deliver big message to state  »

Stories we’re scanning:


Health Care Costs Causing More Americans to Go Without Needed Care  Health care costs are weighing on Americans’ minds — and sapping their budgets, according to a new survey that shows that within the last year, more than half of people needing medical care didn’t get it because of the expense.

U.S. Lags In Bettering Value of Health Care   While the U.S. health system has the highest per capita cost of the 12 nations studied — spending 17.6% of its gross domestic product on healthcare — it ranked at the bottom in terms of readiness to implement a value-based care system.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, June 12, 2012: American exceptionalism? Not when it comes to HC; Sutter RNs strike update  »


Massachusetts Nurses Derail Proposed Law Allowing Unlicensed Personnel to Give Meds  The amendment that would have allowed unlicensed personnel to administer medications was withdrawn from the payment reform bill


State Unions Reach Tentative Agreement Covering 21,000 Workers   AFSCME and MAPE have reached a tentative deal on a two-year collective bargaining agreement with the State of Minnesota.

AFL-CIO – Olympic Medal Producer Tarnishes Spirit of the Games   Summer Olympic Games medal supplier, Rio Tinto—a union-busting global mining conglomerate with a track record of worker and environmental abuse—should be kept off the podium in London, says AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, June 7, 2012: MA RNs defeat unlicensed personnel measure; Olympic gold may be tarnished  »