Uncategorized (Page 6)


Doctor is In; Retail is Out   The glut of empty strip malls and big-box stores in the wake of the go-go years has made leases so affordable that nearly every major hospital system in the state and many private health care organizations have jumped in.

Indiana Hospital Blames Electronic Records for Longer Waits in ER   Patients’ lengths of stay in Columbus Regional Hospital’s emergency department doubled in late June during a switch to an electronic records system, and times are still longer than usual despite improvements, hospital officials said.


American Pilots Reject Contract   Pilots for American Airlines have strongly rejected a contract offer that would have helped the company cut labor costs, dashing American’s hopes of winning voluntary concessions from all its labor unions.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, August 9, 2012: Retail health care; AA Pilots Reject Offer  »


Big Med  Blog note:  This long piece published in the New Yorker, is written by the same author who uncovered the discrepancies in health cre spending, most notably in McAllen, TX.  It is a provocative article about corporatization of health care that will be a source of heated discussion.  Weigh in yourself,  using the comments section below.

Hospital Chain Inquiry Cited Unnecessary Cardiac Work  Blog note: another point about health care corporitization.  And it was a nurse who blew the whistle.

In British Emergency Room, “There’s No Card to Show; There are No Bills”   Take the American tourist.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, August 7, 2012: How is that corporate health care working for you?  »


Join the Tweet-A-Thon!  Unions members throughout the nation are tweeting their legislators to pass a bill that will bring jobs home.  Call 888-659-9401 now and urge your senators to vote for the Bring Jobs Home Act to get the ball rolling to stop the destructive policies of outsourcing.  Learn more.

Thank a union   Mining Wages Outpace Other Private Sector Jobs      Mining jobs have become the best jobs in the region for most workers.


Health Care Spending Slows in Minnesota   Health care spending in Minnesota rose just 2.2 percent in 2010 — the slowest annual growth rate since 1997, the Minnesota Department of Health reported Wednesday.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, July 19, 2012: Bring jobs home, join the Tweet-a-thon; the July Effect;  »


Twin Cities Ranks #1 in Fitness   High rates of physical activity helped to propel Minneapolis-St. Paul to the top of the list of the American College of Sports Medicine’s 2012 American Fitness Index (AFI) for the second year in a row, while raised obesity levels and smoking pushed Oklahoma City to the bottom.

Change is Coming to Rural Health Care, Whatever the Supreme Court Decides  Even if the Supreme Court rules some part of the law unconstitutional, he said, “I don’t think it will derail the move forward toward change. It’s not prudent for health organizations to sit back and wait.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, June 26, 2012: Twin Cities #1 in fitness; rural health care changing  »


Nursing the Wounded   There’s a new effort being made to train more of the nation’s nurses to help care for this growing population of veterans.  First Lady Michelle Obama and Second Lady Jill Biden recently launched an initiative to create specialized training in veterans health care so nurses nationwide can better care for this coming wave of new vets.


Health Care to Create 5.6 Million New Jobs by 2020   The healthcare industry will spawn 5.6 million new jobs by 2020 – most of them high-paying – but most unemployed Americans won’t have the expensive schooling necessary to land them.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, June 25, 2012 – Nursing the wounded; HC to add 5.6M new jobs by 2020  »

Stories we’re scanning:


Nurses’ Rx for Healing – A Robin Hood Tax   Nurses are on the streets throughout the world today to demand a small Robin Hood tax on Wall Street transactions.  In Guatamala, Manhattan, El Paso, Minneapolis and numerous sites around the globe, thousands of nurses who see too much suffering as Wall Street bankers get paid six-figure bonuses are calling for a new public health measure – economic justice.  Read why nurses are at the forefront of this movement. 

California Court Says Unsupervised Nurses Can Administer Anesthesia   The order will have its greatest impact in rural areas, where nurses commonly  administer anesthesia in hospitals, under a doctor’s orders but without  in-person supervision.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, June 19, 2012: Robin Hood Tax Day; underemployed & underpaid  »

Stories we’re scanning:


Health Care Costs Causing More Americans to Go Without Needed Care  Health care costs are weighing on Americans’ minds — and sapping their budgets, according to a new survey that shows that within the last year, more than half of people needing medical care didn’t get it because of the expense.

U.S. Lags In Bettering Value of Health Care   While the U.S. health system has the highest per capita cost of the 12 nations studied — spending 17.6% of its gross domestic product on healthcare — it ranked at the bottom in terms of readiness to implement a value-based care system.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, June 12, 2012: American exceptionalism? Not when it comes to HC; Sutter RNs strike update  »


Can Patient Photos Help Reduce Error?  Putting children’s photos in their electronic hospital charts could help reduce one type of medical error, a study published Monday suggests.


DeMoro:  Maybe We Can Get It Right   If President Obama is now confiding to Democratic donors that he may have to “revisit” health care in a second term if the Supreme Court throws out his first attempt, as Bloomberg News reported June 1, maybe this time we can get it right.

Hospitals Add Palliative Care Programs at a Feverish Pace   The field has expanded so rapidly that a majority of American hospitals now have palliative programs, to the delight of patients who say they’ve finally found relief and a sympathetic ear.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, June 5, 2012: Another chance to get health care right? Labor woes at Belmont  »


Note:  Senate Media is live streaming this event.  Here’s the link if you have Windows

MNA we will post our own video later today.  Meanwhile, follow us at on Twitter. 

Watch  as MNA RN Jean Ross gives dramatic testimony to Sen. Al Franken about debt collectors in ER – NurseTV.org   Related:  Sen. Franken questions Accretive Health execs today over allegations of aggressive debt collection practices. strib.mn/KW2dB9

Night Shift May Boost Women’s Breast Cancer Risk    “About 10 to 20 percent of women in modern societies have night shift work,” said lead researcher Johnni Hansen.
… Read more about: MNA NewsScan, May 30, 2012: Video of Franken Hearing on Debt Collection; Fake Innovation Wastes HC $$  »