MNA Daily NewsScan, June 19, 2012: Robin Hood Tax Day; underemployed & underpaid

Stories we’re scanning:


Nurses’ Rx for Healing – A Robin Hood Tax   Nurses are on the streets throughout the world today to demand a small Robin Hood tax on Wall Street transactions.  In Guatamala, Manhattan, El Paso, Minneapolis and numerous sites around the globe, thousands of nurses who see too much suffering as Wall Street bankers get paid six-figure bonuses are calling for a new public health measure – economic justice.  Read why nurses are at the forefront of this movement. 

California Court Says Unsupervised Nurses Can Administer Anesthesia   The order will have its greatest impact in rural areas, where nurses commonly  administer anesthesia in hospitals, under a doctor’s orders but without  in-person supervision.


Lost in Recession; Toll on Underemployed and Underpaid  These are anxious days for American workers. Many, like Ms. Woods, are underemployed. Others find pay that is simply not keeping up with their expenses: adjusted for inflation, the median hourly wage was lower in 2011 than it was a decade earlier, according to data from a forthcoming book by the Economic Policy Institute, “The State of Working America, 12th Edition.”

Hard Pill to Swallow:  Drug Companies Not Required to Pay Overtime to Sales Reps    Drugmakers don’t have to pay overtime to their sales representatives, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a decision that saves the industry billions of dollars