Organizing (Page 8)

Session Ends

The House adjourned in the wee hours of Thursday morning, and the Senate followed suit on Thursday afternoon. This session, we saw more involvement from MNA nurses on legislative issues than at any other time in recent MNA history. Everyone who reached out to their elected officials, educated their colleagues about the issues, or came to the Capitol should feel proud. Nurses are a respected and influential force at the Capitol because of all of your work.


MNA Priorities



Albert Lea’s MNA RNs took to the streets yesterday to talk about negotiating a fair contract that keeps community nurses in the community.

Great job Albert Lea RNs! Nearly 1/3 of the bargaining unit participated in yesterday’s action, which was also picked up by local media outlets as well. Way to stand up, nurses, for your patients and your profession!

TV News Coverage

… Read more about: Albert Lea RNs “Walk and Talk” in the community to advocate for safe patients, fair contracts  »

Regional Action Councils – Nurses mobilizing around policy and politics

As you’ve followed the action during this legislative session and campaign season have you wondered how you can get involved on behalf of nurses and patients?

Nurses are forming six Regional Action Councils around the state to mobilize around policies and candidates that are good for nurses, patients and working families. The RACs will soon begin screening and accountability process for candidates seeking MNA’s endorsement. It is critical that nurses take advocacy beyond the bedside, and weigh in on the policies that affect our practice and patients.

If you are interested in learning more about the Regional Action Council for your area, please contact:

… Read more about: Regional Action Councils: Get Involved!  »

MNA President Linda Hamilton was honored this week, winning the Saint Paul Regional Labor Federation’s 2011 Labor Leader Award. The award is “in appreciation of tireless efforts and experienced leadership that has greatly benefitted the Saint Paul Regional Labor Federation.” It is the first year the award has been given out.

“Everyone in this room knows the success the nurses have had in raising the public’s awareness of the need to address unsafe staffing levels in our hospitals,” said SPRLF President Bobby Kasper. “The MNA made safe staffing a focus of their contract campaign two years ago, and they continue to fight for their members at the Capitol, where everybody knows the MNA means business! 
… Read more about: MNA President Linda Hamilton Wins “2011 Labor Leader Award”  »