Look at this list! (Page 130)

Check out the amazing community support Minnesota Nurses are getting from Minnesota politicians, unions, faith communities and others!

Pledge of Support List

A special THANK YOU from Minnesota Nurses to all the amazing supporters from our community who walked with us during our May 12 informational picketing! (And if we omitted anyone please forgive us and add yourself in the comments!)

Senator Scott Dibble
Senator Ken Kelash
Senator Paul Koering
Senator Ron Latz
Senator Sandy Rummel
Representative Erin Murphy
Representative Paul Thissen
St Paul City Council Member Dave Thune
Congressional Candidate Dan Powers
Congressional Candidate Jim Meffert
Office of Ramsey County Commissioner Rafael Ortega

AFSCME Council 5
Duluth Central Labor Council and President Dan O’Neill
Education Minnesota and Vice President Paul Mueller
International Association of Machinists
Laborer’s Local 563
Minneapolis Regional Labor Federation
Minnesota AFL-CIO and President Shar Knutson
Minnesota AFL-CIO Retiree Council
NALC branch 9
Northeast Area Labor Council and President Alan Netland
Operating Engineers Local 49
Painters and Allied Trades
Pipe Trades
Postal Workers
Teamsters Local 320
SEIU Local 26
SEIU Healthcare Minnesota
Sheet Metal Workers
… Read more about: Solidarity!  »

We started negotiations this week like we did every other week – ready to talk about staffing.  And, like every other week, management refused to negotiate about our most important issue.  We expressed concern that management had a goal for falls in 2009 of 218 (there were actually 249 falls that year).  We know that it is nearly impossible to prevent every fall.  But, as the spouse of one of our team members, who has been a safety manager for 36 years said, “the ultimate goal should be zero, especially for never events.  If there are more than zero falls, you should be working diligently to work out why and to make it zero.”

Our staffing ratios are important because we will be able to provide better care and help prevent adverse events like falls.  
… Read more about: Park Nicollet Methodist Update (May 13)  »

From the MNA Children’s Bargaining Team:

Today thirty-five years of negotiations history came down to twelve minutes with the employer.  Today many of our Nurses came to tell their stories and show their support for our Care managers and our staffing proposal.  The employer finally arrived at 11:40 after all the nurses had left (perhaps management was aware of their presence and delayed their arrival to avoid the nurses?)  The employer’s last concessionary (take-back) offer, which is unchanged from last week, is what they want us to vote on.

The employer has been unwilling to engage in any meaningful dialogue about any of the proposals that we have brought to the table. 
… Read more about: Children’s Bargaining Update (May 13)  »

Today was the last scheduled negotiation.

We presented a revised staffing proposal, easier for management to understand. The hospital rejected the proposal as costing too much.

We proposed a modified wage package.  The hospital rejected this proposal.

After the hospital’s caucus, they explained their staffing process and felt that it was sufficient.

After lunch, the Hospital gave MNA their final proposal. When asked if this was their final proposal, the hospital stated “This is our final offer today”.

We asked further, “Is this the proposal you want us to present to the nurse group to vote on 5/19/10?
… Read more about: Fairview Bargaining Update May 13  »