Press Release: MNA President Linda Hamilton Re-Elected (Page 113)

MNA President Linda Hamilton

Media Contact: John Nemo, 651-414-2863

ST. PAUL, Minnesota (October 14, 2011) – Linda Hamilton, RN, BSN, has been elected to a second consecutive two-year term as the President of the Minnesota Nurses Association.

“Serving as President of MNA has been my passion and privilege, and I am honored and delighted to continue serving our membership,” said Hamilton, who has been MNA’s President since 2009. “Relationships are the key to democracy and MNA’s future. I will continue to build solidarity through collective action with nurses, politicians, faith, labor and community leaders to ensure our nurses’ voices are heard. Our core mission of advocacy for patients, nursing practice and workplace rights is dependent on these connections.”

In addition to Hamilton, MNA members were also elected for the following leadership positions:

  • President: Linda Hamilton, RN, BSN
  • 1st Vice President: Bernadine Engeldorf, RN, BS
  • 2nd Vice President: Robert Pandiscio, RN
  • Secretary: Barb Martin, RN, BSN, BSE
  • Treasurer: Pam Scott, RN
  • Directors: Lori Christian, RN, BS, CEN, Pat Dwyer, RN, BSN, CRRN, Cindy Prout, RN, Linda Rossow, RN, BC, Eric Tronnes, RN, Mary Turner, RN, Pat Webster, RN

The MNA President, Vice Presidents and Board of Directors all serve a two-year term. Election winners will be officially be sworn in on October 19 during MNA’s Annual Convention – held this year at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in downtown St. Paul.

Formed in 1905, the Minnesota Nurses Association represents more than 20,000 nurses in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa. MNA is also a founding member of National Nurses United, the nation’s largest union of Registered Nurses, which represents 170,000 RNs across the United States.

About 15 minutes into this MPR interview the author talks about how President Obama wanted to implement a Wall Street Transaction Tax (championed by NNU as part of the Main Street Contract For America!) but ultimately yielded to his team of economic advisers – most notably Larry Summers. Fascinating interview and even more fascinating book (Confidence Men by Ron Suskind).
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