More MNA RNs speak out against National Nurse Licensure Compact (Page 106)

MNA RNs are speaking out against the proposed National Nurse Licensure Compact bill making its way through the Minnesota state legislature. If passed, this legislation would lower the standards of nursing care in Minnesota and put our patients at risk.

Please join MNA RNs like those below in voicing your opposition to the bill:

“I am writing in regards to the National Nurse Licensure Compact. I strongly oppose this piece of legislation. It compromises not only the state’s ability to protect patients from unsafe situations but also my own. I take pride in the work I perform everyday, as I’m sure you do as well, and it saddens me to know that this could be jeopardized by the government who knows very little about what goes on at the bedside.  Please vote to oppose the National Nurse Licensure Compact and help protect our patients that will one day be you or your loved ones.”

Lindsey O’Neill

“Please consider alternatives to an all inclusive legislative action such as this bill.  We have no reciprocity with these states to date and these states do not hold nurses to the same standard that Minnesota does.  I would like to avoid “Minnesota Nice” on this issue.”

Cory A. Morff Whitman

“I oppose this bill as I feel it threatens the quality of care of RN’s entering the Minnesota work force without any licensure requirements.How does a RN remain evaluated and qualified to work in Minnesota? Some states don’t require CEU’s to remain proficient.Minnesota faces a loss in revenue.I want to remain a part of highly qualified nurses providing care to Minnesota patients and our family members! Thank you for your time,I had to pass a very grueling test to receive my original license to practice in Minnesota and must renew that every two years.All RN’s should be required to meet the same standards to uphold the excellent nursing offered to our patients.”

Geralyn Hendrickson

Right to Work

There was no action on Right to Work this week. Our friends in both parties and both legislative bodies have taken a stand on behalf of working families. To all of you who wrote, called and visited your elected officials, thank you. The outpouring of grassroots activism from nurses, union members and concerned citizens was like nothing we’ve seen in recent years, and deserves a lot of the credit for stopping this bill.

Health and Human Services Omnibus Bills

On Tuesday, HHS Chair David Hann (R-Eden Prairie) introduced the Senate HHS Omnibus bill, which includes the National Nurse Licensure language, aka Interstate Nurse Licensure Compact.
… Read more about: Legislative Update, March 30, 2012  »

Regional Action Councils – Nurses mobilizing around policy and politics

As you’ve followed the action during this legislative session and campaign season have you wondered how you can get involved on behalf of nurses and patients?

Nurses are forming six Regional Action Councils around the state to mobilize around policies and candidates that are good for nurses, patients and working families. The RACs will soon begin screening and accountability process for candidates seeking MNA’s endorsement. It is critical that nurses take advocacy beyond the bedside, and weigh in on the policies that affect our practice and patients.

If you are interested in learning more about the Regional Action Council for your area, please contact:

… Read more about: Regional Action Councils: Get Involved!  »

MNA President Linda Hamilton opened up her home and hosted a special health care discussion on March 23 with Secretary of Health Kathleen Sebelius, Gov. Mark Dayton, Sen. Al Franken, Rep. Betty McCollum and others to talk about the Affordable Care Act and its positive impact in the lives of Minnesota women and their families.

Use the links below to view photos from and read news stories about this amazing event:

In addition, here’s a quick video roundup of some local TV news coverage: