Electing Pro-Nurse, Pro-Union Candidates One Doorknock at a Time

By Jill Lebrun, RN, MNA Board of Directors 

On a gorgeous September Minnesota morning, I and other MNA board members went door-knocking in Hermantown, near Duluth. Our focus: Get Out The Vote (GOTV) for Mark Munger for State Representative, an advocate for quality healthcare. 

Mark Munger is a candidate in Minnesota House District 3B and is endorsed by MNA nurses through our screening process. We didn’t set out to change anyone’s minds…instead we knocked and used social pressure to get loyalists to the polls!  

As nurses, we believe in the power of lawmakers who will work with us to improve access to healthcare. Thanks to our partners at the Minnesota AFL-CIO, we received a list of voters who would welcome our presence. Each home we stopped at, we were greeted with great conversation and appreciation for our work as nurses.  

The skill needed for this very important task is being willing to talk to our community members and share your perspective on why we need improvements in healthcare. Willing MNA member door knockers are always given brief training prior to going out and paired up with those who have more experience.  

Let’s work together to GOTV in the very important upcoming elections! 

Want to get involved with MNA’s doorknocking or phonebanking program to elect pro-nurse candidates to our state legislature? Visit mnnurses.org/volunteer! For more about MNA’s nurse-led screening and endorsement process, visit nursescarenursesvote.com.