Nursing (Page 25)

Posts categorized as Nursing also pull into the Member Resources > Nursing Practices page.

What’s Going On?
The Minnesota Board of Nursing wants to significantly change the Nurse Practice Act to alter scope of practice language.

This is NOT a friendly change.

Their proposals reflect a corporate health care employer’s dream to muddy the lines of responsibility between RNs and LPNs – allowing health care facilities to get more work for less money. It also pits our two practices in a fabricated fight that will only result in jeopardizing public safety.

With that in mind, MNA has serious concerns for the safety of patients and nurses regarding the Board of Nursing’s proposal to expand the scope of licensed practical nurses.
… Read more about: Urgent: Board of Nursing, LPN Scope of Practice issue and YOUR input needed!  »

What is this? The MNA Daily NewsScan is a round up the day’s biggest nursing, health care and organized labor stories.  As news unfolds in real-time, we update the NewsScan with new links and info, so check back often!

Stories we’re scanning:

Health Care

U.S. Health Care Spending “Dwarfs” That of Other Countries   The U.S. spent nearly $8,000 per person for health care services in 2009, the  study found, confirming that “health care spending in the U.S. dwarfs that found  in any other industrialized country.”

Notes on Nursing

Debate on Who Administers Anesthesia Moves to Courts   The debate pits nurse anesthetists, who specialize in administering anesthesia and maintain that they are well equipped to treat patients on their own, against anesthesiologists, who are physicians and say nurses lack the necessary training.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, May 3, 2012 – Who Administers Anesthesia; U.S. HC Spending “Dwarfs” Others  »

ALERT:  Rally for Jobs

The clock is ticking on the 2012 Legislative session. Despite being in session for months, the Legislature has failed to act on real job creation projects like a large infrastructure bill and a Vikings stadium.  These projects would create thousands of family sustaining, union jobs to help Minnesota’s economy recover.  Let’s tell Legislators to act now and create jobs!      RSVP Here

WHERE: State Capitol Steps (75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, St. Paul)
WHEN: Thursday, May 3, 11:00 AM


Health Care

“The System Really is Not Failing – Failure IS the System”   At a recent Association of Health Care Journalists meeting, Dr.
… Read more about: MNA NewsScan, May 2, 2012 – Rally for Jobs!, “Permanent Patients,” Increased Retirement Age  »


CALL TODAY.   The Minnesota House passed the National  Nurse Licensure Compact by a 75-56 vote.    Govenor Dayton is our last line of defense on this highly flawed legislation that may jeopardize patient care. Don’t delay.  651-201-3400.  Learn more.


Health Care

Minnesota Hit Hard After Medicaid Missteps   It was painful to watch Minnesota’s stellar health care reputation and its Human Services commissioner, Lucinda Jesson, get pummeled on Wednesday at a congressional hearing on Medicaid oversight.

Sen. Franken to Investigate Fairview’s Medical Debt Collector’s Tactics   Sen.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan 4-27-12 Call NOW to Halt Natl Nurse Licensure  »

Minnesota Nurses Association Media Release


Media Contact:                      Jan Rabbers  (612) 860-6658 or

Mercy Hospital (Moose Lake) RNs Issue Concerns About Merger Negotiations

(Moose Lake, MN – February 8, 2012) As Mercy Hospital in Moose Lake moves toward a possible merger with Duluth-based Essentia Health, registered nurses represented by the Minnesota Nurses Association met last week to discuss concerns regarding impact on the community and on the work environment at the hospital.

The meeting highlighted the nurses’ apprehensions about the overall process of merger negotiations, especially noting the lack of advice and involvement of patient care providers, patients, and potential patients.
… Read more about: Moose Lake’s Mercy RNs Issue Concerns About Merger Negotiations  »

Because We Care

John Gunyou
Remarks at Vigil for Patient Safety
St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church, St. Paul
June 9, 2010

Thank you for the opportunity to be here tonight. I want you to know that Margaret and I are very proud to stand with you for patient safety and well being.

My sister is an RN, and has been a pediatrics nurse for more than 35 years. I told her about tonight, and asked what she had learned about nursing over her long career. Here’s what she told me.

While there’s always a need for advanced medical treatment & technology, what patients most need is intelligent, high-quality, nursing care.
… Read more about: Because We Care: Remarks from Lt. Gov. Candidate John Gunyou at Patient Care Vigil  »