National Nurses United (Page 5)


Natick (MA) Nurses Want More Staff   Mancuso, a Milford resident, said nurses have to pick up some duties of  personal care assistants, and also handle post-operative care that may pull them  away from their regular rounds.”Overall we’re taking on more hats and not getting any help,” she said.

Strike is On at 10 Northern California Hospitals   This is the latest protest over demands by Sutter corporate officials for sweeping reductions in patient care protections and nurses’ contract standards – despite Sutter being one of the wealthiest hospital chains in the U.S.


Be Wary of the “Fix the Debt” Coalition    Fix the Debt, the unserious coalition of CEOs and corporations who are lobbying to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid while increasing tax breaks for their companies to send jobs overseas, have spent nearly $1 billion in lobbying and campaign contributions during the past four years, according to a new Public Campaign study.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, November 20, 2012: Sutter profits-patients suffer; Vets unaware of benefits due them  »


“Substantial” Variation from State to State in Hospital Safety Records    The rankings are based on an analysis of data released annually by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and look at how approximately 4,500 hospitals nationwide performed on risk-adjusted mortality and complication rates for nearly 30 of the most common conditions and procedures.

U.S. Health Care Costs Comparison Doesn’t Add Up   How much is good health care worth to you? $8,233 per year? That’s how much the U.S. spends per person.  Worth it?


Another Blow to Scott Walker’s Attempts to Strip Collective Bargaining Unit Laws  Attorney General J.B.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, October 23, 2012: Take a sick day – you’re fired; Kennedy trial begins  »

MNA 107th Annual Convention:  See.  Learn.  Prepare.  Act.

The annual convention of the Minnesota Nurses Association fortified members’ stance on nursing issues and demonstrated their resolve to act collectively on those issues.

“We are MNA,” said President Linda Hamilton, RN, BSN during her opening speech.  “We are 20,000 voices.  We are 20,000 votes.  We are nurses standing together across this country as National Nurses United. We are 185,000 voices. We are 185,000 votes.  Our voices and votes ring loud and true to defend the values we hold dear against the injustice of the corporate machine and corrupted political process.”

200 delegates dug into a packed agenda that mixed organizational business, education, celebration, fun and action during the  one pre-convention and three official days of the event, held from Oct.
… Read more about: MN Nurses 107th Annual Convention Summary  »