Labor Unions (Page 25)


Nurses, Patients Voice Concerns Over Avoidable Hospital Staffing Crisis    The whole system seems to be “missing something” when it reaps massive profits but can’t keep hospitals properly staffed. But the crisis can’t be explained simply by an overall “shortage” of nurses. The real cause of the staffing squeeze might be the tight fists of hospital CEOs, who don’t want to invest in maintaining an adequate, qualified workforce.


Tax-Exempt Hospitals Eyed Amid State Budget Gaps  Following through on a promise, Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn announced more than two months ago that the state would resume denying tax exemptions to hospitals that operate more like businesses than charities.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan – May 31, 2012: RNs Say Hospital Staffing Crisis Avoidable with Ratios; Listen to Frontline Staff  »

BREAKING:  Fairview CEO Out in Wake of Debt Collection Furor


Art, Gardens & Basketball Courts -Yes.  Adequate Staff?  No Mention.   The striking new hospital buildings built by Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, Sanford Health in Sioux Falls, and Lurie Children’s Hospital, in Chicago spare no funds to promise a luxurious patient experience.  Editor’s note:  The article curiouisly fails to discuss how much investment is put into providing enough professional staff.

How Rivals Built an ACO  The ultimate goal is to reduce healthcare costs and improve care by developing  and refining services that can be scaled and applied to the 300,000  HealthPartners and Allina customers who live in the alliance service area.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, May 24, 2012: Art, gardens & BB Courts, yes / Staffing? No mention  »