Labor Unions (Page 16)


Join nurses across the country at 2:00 p.m. TODAY (Oct. 2) as we  advocate for The Robin Hood Tax at the office of Rep. John Kline (Burnsville)

Home-Based Stroke Therapy Improves Outcomes, Eliminates Wait Times, Saves Money, Study Suggests   Home delivery of stroke rehabilitation improves care, eliminates waiting lists for treatment and saves hundreds of thousands of dollars annually in hospital costs, according to a quality improvement project presented October 1 at the Canadian Stroke Congress.

More Nursing Care Staff are Needed in Order to Curb Bacteria-related Deaths   What I saw in the nursing facilities makes me not want to be a patient there in the future.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, October 2, 2012: RN on the 47%- “my patients just need help;” join the Robin Hood action today  »