Hospitals (Page 29)


The Minnesota Board of Nursing wants to significantly change the Nurse Practice Act to alter Scope of Practice language.

This is NOT a friendly change.

Their proposals reflect a corporate health care employer’s dream to muddy the lines of responsibility between RNs and LPNs – allowing health care facilities to get more work for less money.  It also pits our two practices in a fabricated fight that will only result in jeopardizing public safety.

For the sake of your license and the future of nursing, attend an upcoming “listening session” hosted by the Minnesota Board of Nursing. 
… Read more about: Update! Speak up to MN Board of Nursing About LPN Scope Expansion  »


ST. PAUL (May 8, 2012) – The President of the Minnesota Nurses Association issued an official statement of support today for Minnesota Attorney General Lori Swanson and her ongoing investigation of Accretive Health.

“On behalf of our 20,000 nurses, I want to thank Lori Swanson for ignoring political pressure and corporate influence and continuing to stand up for the patients we care for,” Hamilton said. “What Accretive is doing seems to be the epitome of the ‘profits-before-patients’ type of health care delivery that needs to stop, and we’re grateful Attorney General Swanson is having none of it.”

Earlier today, news reports detailed how Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel made the unusual move of publicly pressuring Attorney General Swanson’s office to “back off” its ongoing investigation of Accretive, which began in April 2012.
… Read more about: MNA Statement of Support for Attorney General Lori Swanson  »


CALL TODAY.   The Minnesota House passed the National  Nurse Licensure Compact by a 75-56 vote.    Govenor Dayton is our last line of defense on this highly flawed legislation that may jeopardize patient care. Don’t delay.  651-201-3400.  Learn more.


Health Care

Minnesota Hit Hard After Medicaid Missteps   It was painful to watch Minnesota’s stellar health care reputation and its Human Services commissioner, Lucinda Jesson, get pummeled on Wednesday at a congressional hearing on Medicaid oversight.

Sen. Franken to Investigate Fairview’s Medical Debt Collector’s Tactics   Sen.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan 4-27-12 Call NOW to Halt Natl Nurse Licensure  »