Hospitals (Page 27)


Finally!!  U.S. News “Best Hospitals” Rating Now Includes Nurse Factor    The  magazine now considers the weight of each measure by itself in relation to  medical outcomes. “Adding more nurses, for example, leads to improved  care, no matter what relationship the nurse staffing measure does or does not  have with any of the other measures.

Weigh in Time:  New Technology of Remote RNs Claims Reduced Mortality in ICU.  Read and return here to comment on this story.


When Public Beats Private:  Community Clinics that Keep Costs Down and Do a Better Job, Too  Federally funded health centers are at the heart of the Affordable Care Act.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, July 17, 2012 – U.S. News: “oh yeah, maybe nurses matter”  »


Health Care insurance industry whistleblower Wendell Potter talks about the next PR move insurers are likely to make in order to keep putting profits ahead of patients.

More from Potter: Want proof that Big Insurance has figured out how to make a lot of money off reform? Last Monday WellPoint announced it will pay nearly $5 billion to buy the country’s largest private Medicaid managed care company, AmeriGroup. Rest assured that lobbyists for WellPoint and other firms wanting to get their hands on that new Medicaid money will have a “here’s how it has to be” talk with their buddies on Capitol Hill. 
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, July 16, 2012 – Corporate Insurance Giants Plan to Cash in on ACA  »


Insurers Not Keeping a Lid on Costs   With federal healthcare reform still facing political head winds despite its validation by the Supreme Court, this probably isn’t the best time for health insurers to admit their utter incompetence in handling their most important role under the reform, which is keeping a lid on healthcare costs.

Amid Debate and Uncertainty Over Health Care, Mayo Expands   “I’ve done more merger affiliations in the last 24 months than previously done in 23 years” as a consultant, said James Berarducci, a health care consultant in Minnesota for global management firm Kurt Salmon, who has done work for Mayo.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, July 12, 2012: Insurers bungle; Mayo expands; Firefighters prevail  »


Hospitals Invest in Moving Patients   Editor’s Note:  Former MNA staffer and worker Health & Safety advocate, Bettye Shogren championed groundbreaking legislation in Minnesota requiring hospitals to provide adequate lifting mechanisms.  Other states like Illinois, as this story demonstrates,  are finding it a great idea as well.

Health Care Reform?  Move On   Fifty-six percent of Americans believe opponents of the law should “stop trying to block its implementation and instead move on to other national problems,” according to the poll by the nonprofit Kaiser Family Foundation.

Debate:  Expand Imperfect Treatments, or Create New Ones   When advocates of attained health survey the landscape, they see an appalling misallocation of resources.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, July 5, 2012: Patient lifting rules gain traction; $160M settlement to nurses re: gender bias  »


$22M Project Will Expand Mercy Hospital    The new 120,000 square-foot building will feature the Virginia Piper Cancer Insitute, as well as specialty care, outpatient surgery services and obstetrics/women’s care.  The four-story building will be across the street from Mercy, connected by a skyway.

GlaxoSmityKline Settles $3B Health Care Fraud Case  GSK targeted the antidepressant Paxil to patients under age 18 when it was approved for adults only, and it pushed the drug Wellbutrin for uses it was not approved for, including weight loss and treatment of sexual dysfunction, according to an investigation led by the U.S.
… Read more about: MNA NewsScan, July 3, 2012: Mercy to expand; CA nurses strike; 4th Fun  »


Twin Cities Ranks #1 in Fitness   High rates of physical activity helped to propel Minneapolis-St. Paul to the top of the list of the American College of Sports Medicine’s 2012 American Fitness Index (AFI) for the second year in a row, while raised obesity levels and smoking pushed Oklahoma City to the bottom.

Change is Coming to Rural Health Care, Whatever the Supreme Court Decides  Even if the Supreme Court rules some part of the law unconstitutional, he said, “I don’t think it will derail the move forward toward change. It’s not prudent for health organizations to sit back and wait.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, June 26, 2012: Twin Cities #1 in fitness; rural health care changing  »