Activism (Page 33)

MNA RNs are weighing in about the devastating impact the so-called “Right to Work” legislation would have on everyday Minnesota families. Here’s just one of the heartfelt letters MNA RNs are sending to their local legislators:


I urge you Senator Vandeveer to vote No on the right to work issue.

I have been a RN for almost 20 years and have been supported by my union for as many years.  I also have family and friends who are nurses in southern states and I hear on a daily basis their horror stories.  Unrealistic patient work loads, no support staff, monthly turnover and constantly living under the threat of losing their license if something goes wrong. 
… Read more about: Real RNs Speak Out Against Right-to-Work: Selena Running  »

“Right to Work” is Wrong for Minnesota!
·       Right to Work legislation is unnecessary: it doesn’t actually create any jobs. Minnesota’s unemployment rate is lower than the national average and lower than in Right to Work states. Nurses in Minnesota earn an average of $16,000 more than those in Right to Work states.
·       Right to Work is unfair. It would force dues paying union members to pay for the representation of coworkers that don’t pay anything.
·       Right to work is unsafe: Having a strong, collective voice allows nurses to advocate for safe staffing, safe patient care, and safe working conditions.
… Read more about: Call Your Senator Today to Oppose Right-to-Work  »