MNA Blog (Page 134)

Recent news and updates from the Minnesota Nurses Association.

From your MNA Allina Bargaining Team:

Today at bargaining, we asked the employer to be clear on their proposals.  We focused on their proposals on floating, work agreements, layoff (and seniority as it pertains to layoffs), low need language, the Baylor Program, Unit Closure Language, and Nursing Practice, Staffing Advisory, and other committees.

We told management that they have not made a convincing case on any of their proposals. We asked them why the need for the change?  Why tear down what both sides have worked on collaboratively for forty some years?  Management could not answer our questions. 
… Read more about: Allina Bargaining Update  »

The morning started out with unexpected and pleasant welcome from RNs from St Joe’s, who brought the bargaining team coffee and muffins. Thanks so much to the RNs from Joe’s who showed us their support!

Today in bargaining we engaged management around several proposals. We started out the day listening to a presentation from Management’s financial people. They told us how poor HealthEast is and how much trouble they might be in in ten years. It seemed like the same old song and dance to me. How long has HealthEast been telling us they don’t have money? Kinda reminds me of “The boy who cried wolf.” They then told us they only made $2.9 million dollars in 2009.
… Read more about: HealthEast Bargaining Update (April 27)  »

North Memorial Blog 4/27/2010
On Wednesday, April 21st we had a great turnout for our info picket authorization and sign up.  The hospital thought it necessary to employ multiple security and management personnel to kick RNs out of their own hospital and deny us our democratic rights to vote and meet.  We still had hundreds of RNs meet and sign up for informational picketing on the sidewalk.

On Tuesday, April 27 we had bargaining session #6, and they dumped the last 6 of their takeaway proposals on the table.  They talked about eliminating benefits for 0.4 RNs (including vacation, health insurance, sick leave) and their proposals to eliminate the MNA health insurance plans, 401K match & loyalty bonus.
… Read more about: North Memorial Bargaining Update  »