MNA Blog (Page 108)

Recent news and updates from the Minnesota Nurses Association.

MNA Nurses Day on the Hill

Nurses from every corner of the state came together on Monday and Tuesday to learn more about legislation at the Capitol that will affect nurses and patients, and to talk to their elected officials enacting policies based on nursing values. Nurses focused on:

  • The unfair, unsafe and unnecessary “Right to Work” legislation that will weaken unions and hurt nurses and patients.
  • Constitutional amendments that will write gridlock and budgeting gimmicks into Minnesota’s Constitution.
  • Threats to nursing practice like the National Nurse Licensure Compact and a proposal to create a redundant and punitive criminal background check specifically for nurses.
  • … Read more about: Legislative Update March 2, 2012  »

MNA Legislative Update February 17, 2012


Right to Work
“Right to Work” constitutional amendments that would weaken unions and undermine workers’ rights have been introduced at the Capitol. These bills are unnecessary, unsafe and unfair. They will not create jobs and will not help our economy. They will make all of our families unsafe if professionals like nurses, firefighters and police officers have their voices silenced in the workplace. Minnesota has the third highest quality of life in the United States. We have a far lower rate of unemployment than the national average. States that already have Right to Work laws have lower qualities of life and higher unemployment than states with strong collective bargaining rights.
… Read more about: Legislative Update, Feb. 17, 2012  »

Media Contact: John Nemo, 651-414-2863

ST. PAUL (February 15, 2012) – As Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton delivered his State of the State speech Wednesday, the leader of the Minnesota Nurses Association (MNA) echoed her organization’s support for the Governor’s top priorities – jobs, education and reform.

“What our friends, neighbors and patients do need are good-paying jobs, access to affordable healthcare and great education for our children,” said MNA President Linda Hamilton, RN, BSN. “What they don’t need is a slew of divisive constitutional amendments that do nothing to address the core needs of Minnesotans across the state.
… Read more about: MNA Statement on Gov. Dayton’s State of the State  »