MNA RNs are weighing in about the devastating impact the so-called “Right to Work” legislation would have on everyday Minnesota families. Here’s just one of the heartfelt letters MNA RNs are sending to their local legislators:
This bill would hurt life as we know it in Minnesota. Minnesota needs to lead the way not follow, and anyone who really stops to think of the negative impact RTW would have on our state could not in good conscience vote for this bill. I am a senior nurse with 38 years on the job and have seen many changes come to my profession. I feel that RTW could devastate the profession of nursing as well as many others. We have fought hard to bring nursing to the level it deserves, and if you don’t know what that means then do your homework before you vote on this bill.
Ohio voted this down for good reason. Minnesota is strong in the health care field and needs to remain this way. RTW has never proven to be beneficial [to a state’s] economy; in fact it has proven exactly the opposite! The economy is tough enough – please don’t make it worse. People train for their professions and are held to a standard, and these standards will definitely be comprised if this passes. This country was made strong by unions and gave people the chance to really live the American Dream, which seems to be presently attacked on a daily basis. I know for a fact that health care would become unsafe with the passage of this bill.
Nurses advocate for their patients’ health and safety, and we would lose [that ability] with this bill. We are talking about human lives – not numbers on paper. Please do the right thing and vote NO to RTW.
Karen Ostendorf