MNA RNs are weighing in about the devastating impact the so-called “Right to Work” legislation would have on everyday Minnesota families. Here’s just one of the heartfelt letters MNA RNs are sending to their local legislators:
I am writing you to request that you vote “Nay” on the “Right to Work” legislative bill that is currently being reviewed by the Judiciary Committee. Minnesota currently has some of the lowest unemployment rates in the nation. If this bill passes, I can see multiple “layoffs” and firing of workers. This will impact our unemployment rate NEGATIVELY at a time when the GOP is concerned about “jobs, jobs and jobs.”

As a nurse, I can also foresee this bill endangering public safety because it will make it harder for us to advocate for things like better nurse staffing and shorter response times by public servants (like police and firefighters).
As you may or may not know, CEO pay has grown 364 times HIGHER than what the average worker makes. This bill seeks to further fatten the “fat cat” pockets. This bill will only benefit the 1%.
Forbes Magazine rated Minnesota as having the third best quality of life in the nation. Why would you legislators be willing to risk lower wages, poorer benefits and possibly layoffs now, just as the economy is recovering?
PLEASE don’t make us another Wisconsin!!!!
Carolyn Jorgenson