Your Safety vs. Hospital Profits (Page 136)

More than 12,000 Minnesota Nurses are in the midst of negotiating a new labor contract with six different Twin Cities hospital systems. At the core of these negotiations is one key issue – YOU.

Minnesota Nurses want Patient Safety put ahead of Hospital Profits. An estimated 72,000 lives could be saved each year if hospitals would use the proper RN-to-patient staffing ratios. Instead, nearly 1,500 Minnesotans needlessly die each year because our hospitals aren’t properly staffed. And it’s not that the hospitals can’t afford to do this – they just don’t want to. Why? Because Twin Cities hospitals are putting profits ahead of patients. These “not for profit” hospital systems are putting their financial bottom lines ahead of you and your loved ones’ health and safety. As nurses, we’re not okay with that. Are you?

Take a moment to show your support for the Twin Cities nurses who make it our life’s calling to care for you and your loved ones!


My name is Brenda, and I will be your Registered Nurse today.

I will be administering medications prescribed to you. I will make sure you do not have allergies to these medications, and if you do have an adverse reaction to the medication, I will use my critical thinking skills and take action! I will be watching for signs the medication is working for you as well. I am the eyes and ears of the physician.

I will deliver your baby, or grandchild, or niece/nephew in case the physician does not arrive on time.
… Read more about: In Her Own Words: Brenda Gieser, RN  »