MNA Daily NewsScan: May 11, 2012 - Nursing Shortage: Fact or Fiction? (Page 103)

What is this? The MNA Daily NewsScan is a round up the day’s biggest nursing, health care and organized labor stories.  As news unfolds in real-time, we update the NewsScan with new links and info, so check back often!

Stories we’re scanning:

Health Care

Notes on Nursing

Labor Updates

  • Help “Stamp Out” Hunger: National Association of Letter Carriers Union’s 20th annual campaign makes it easy to donate nonperishable food items to those in need.
  • Crow Wing County Employees File Suit: Workers – including nurses – are suing the county, charging an unfair labor practice charge related to pay increases.

Notes on Nursing

National Nurse Licensure is DEAD (for now).  The House adjourned for the session in the wee hours of this morning, WITHOUT taking a final vote on the National Nurse Licensure Compact. That means it’s dead for this year. It will most likely come back next session, so stay tuned, but for now, be proud of all the calls, emails, letters and visits that nurses made to stop this dangerous bill!

Chicago Tries to Revoke Nurses’ Permit to March    What in the world?  The registered nurses of National Nurses United cannot wait to welcome one of the world’s leading defenders of common people to their uncommon May 18th march and rally in Chicago.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, May 10, 2012: Natl Nurse Licensure Dead; Nurses Will March in Chicago; HC Execs Make $1M A Year  »


The Minnesota Board of Nursing wants to significantly change the Nurse Practice Act to alter Scope of Practice language.

This is NOT a friendly change.

Their proposals reflect a corporate health care employer’s dream to muddy the lines of responsibility between RNs and LPNs – allowing health care facilities to get more work for less money.  It also pits our two practices in a fabricated fight that will only result in jeopardizing public safety.

For the sake of your license and the future of nursing, attend an upcoming “listening session” hosted by the Minnesota Board of Nursing. 
… Read more about: Update! Speak up to MN Board of Nursing About LPN Scope Expansion  »


ST. PAUL (May 8, 2012) – The President of the Minnesota Nurses Association issued an official statement of support today for Minnesota Attorney General Lori Swanson and her ongoing investigation of Accretive Health.

“On behalf of our 20,000 nurses, I want to thank Lori Swanson for ignoring political pressure and corporate influence and continuing to stand up for the patients we care for,” Hamilton said. “What Accretive is doing seems to be the epitome of the ‘profits-before-patients’ type of health care delivery that needs to stop, and we’re grateful Attorney General Swanson is having none of it.”

Earlier today, news reports detailed how Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel made the unusual move of publicly pressuring Attorney General Swanson’s office to “back off” its ongoing investigation of Accretive, which began in April 2012.
… Read more about: MNA Statement of Support for Attorney General Lori Swanson  »

What is this? The MNA Daily NewsScan is a round up the day’s biggest nursing, health care and organized labor stories.  As news unfolds in real-time, we update the NewsScan with new links and info, so check back often!

Stories we’re scanning:

Notes on Nursing

OpEd:  Why Nurses Need More Authority   Allowing nurses to act as primary-care providers will increase coverage and lower health-care costs. So why is there so much opposition from physicians? 

Statement in Support of Attorney General Lori Swanson   “On behalf of our 20,000 nurses, I want to thank Lori Swanson for ignoring political pressure and corporate influence and continuing to stand up for the patients we care for,” Hamilton said.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, May 8, 2012 – Doc says nurses need more authority; Kudos to AG Lori Swanson; Rally with SEIU  »

National Nurse Licensure Compact

The National Nurse Licensure Compact bill passed both the House and the Senate last week, and this week a Conference Committee of House and Senate members met to iron out differences between the two bills. MNA opposes the resulting conference report, which did little to address our concerns with the original bill. Signing on to the Compact will be bad for Minnesota patients, bad for our high nursing standards, and bad for nurses who want to organize or bargain fair contracts. Please use the link below to contact your state senator and state representative and ask them to vote against the Compact when it comes to a final floor vote.
… Read more about: Legislative Update, May 4, 2012  »

What’s Going On?
The Minnesota Board of Nursing wants to significantly change the Nurse Practice Act to alter scope of practice language.

This is NOT a friendly change.

Their proposals reflect a corporate health care employer’s dream to muddy the lines of responsibility between RNs and LPNs – allowing health care facilities to get more work for less money. It also pits our two practices in a fabricated fight that will only result in jeopardizing public safety.

With that in mind, MNA has serious concerns for the safety of patients and nurses regarding the Board of Nursing’s proposal to expand the scope of licensed practical nurses.
… Read more about: Urgent: Board of Nursing, LPN Scope of Practice issue and YOUR input needed!  »