Nurses Care. Nurses Vote.

Amanda Madison

By Amanda Madison, RN, MNA Digital Political Organizer

MNA nurses believe that all people are connected through our shared humanity, and that we all deserve a healthy and prosperous life, no matter what we look like or where we come from. Our values are reflected in our vision of a better future:

  • A healthcare system that provides affordable and accessible care, including medical, mental, surgical, dental, preventative, long-term, and end-of-life care
  • Healthcare facilities that prioritize patient care above all else and are safe spaces for people to support one another as they work and heal
  • Employers who provide fair wages and benefits and give us the opportunity to spend time with our families, take care of ourselves and our loved ones, and live to our full potential.

But there are some who have a different agenda, one that prioritizes profits over people. They are attempting to divide us by things like the color of our skin, where we come from, and how we live our lives.

Nurses reject that. We know that we are connected by our common humanity. Sickness and disease don’t discriminate. We also understand that we have a critical interdependence with one another. Our unity is our power. It’s how we are successful at the bargaining table. It’s how we make progress fighting for the things we care about.

When we advocate beyond the bedside, we use our power to build a better future for our patients, our communities, and ourselves. That’s why we’re raising our voices and voting our values in the General Election this year.

Nurses care, and we vote.

Let’s vote together.

Early voting begins Friday, Sept 21.

Learn more about our MNA-endorsed candidates here & make your plan to vote at