By Cameron Fure

MNA Political Organizer
MNA Political Organizer
MNA members have a wide array of ways to get active in their organization. Advocacy beyond the bedside can take many forms whether it be serving as a steward at your hospital, on your unions negotiating team, on an MNA Board or commission, getting involved in an MNA nurse-endorsed political campaign, or coming to the Capitol to advocate for your patients. One way that you can have a huge impact is by applying to serve on the Minnesota Board of Nursing.
The time commitment can vary year to year but you could expect 12-15 hours a month on average. Members are compensated $75 a day spent on board activities plus expenses. You may also be reimbursed for child care expenses on days you incur as a result of serving on the board.
General Requirements
Each of the eight registered nurses must: a resident of Minnesota,
2. have graduated from an approved school of nursing,
3. be licensed and currently registered as a registered nurse in Minnesota,
4. have had at least five years’ experience in nursing practice, nursing administration or nursing education immediately preceding appointment,
5. be actively engaged in the practice of nursing at the time of appointment.
Currently, there are three open positions that have specific requirements:
Registered Nurse (Working in a Nursing Home)
Applicant must be practicing nursing in a nursing home at the time of appointment.
Registered Nurse (Practical Nursing Education Experience)
Applicant must have had at least two years executive or teaching experience in a board approved practical nursing education program during the five years immediately preceding appointment.
Registered Nurse (Associate Degree Nursing Education Experience)
Applicant must have had at least two years executive or teaching experience in a board approved associate degree nursing education program during the five years immediately preceding appointment.
MNA strongly encourages you to apply! If you’d like more information or are considering applying for an open position, contact MNA Political Organizer, Cameron Fure at 651.252.5028 or at