By Katie Gjertson

MNA Political Coordinator
MNA Political Coordinator
It is a difficult time to be an apolitical TV watcher this time of year. Our TV and airwaves are flooded with unprecedented levels of political advertising and negativity seems to be at its peak. To lighten things up, I am sharing the best ads I’ve seen across the country that inspire and delight.
An important note that the Minnesota Nurses Association does not endorse any of these candidates.
“Do It for Gerald’s Family”
In this ad, family members make an earnest plea for voters to send Travis County Commissioner in Texas back to work.
“MJ Hegar – Doors” In another ad from a candidate running for U.S. Congress in Texas, this long-form biographical ad tells her inspiring story of being a decorated pilot in the U.S. Air Force and fighting back against discriminatory policies, specifically the direct ground combat exclusion rule for women. I don’t think I have ever teared up at a political ad before, until I watched this one. VIDEO LINK:
“The Courage to Change” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s ad leading up the Primary election for U.S. Congress (NY) in 2018 is another example of an inspirational and powerful political ad. Beautifully shot, this ad brings a candidate’s narrative through imagery alone to another level. VIDEO LINK:
“Vote Greater Than Fear” Closer to home, MNA’s partners, ISAIAH and their get-out-the-vote organization, Faith In Minnesota have put together a beautiful and powerful statement of Minnesotans helping each other out – in this case, shoveling each other out of a snowstorm and rejecting efforts by some to divide us. VIDEO LINK: