By Lori Christian, RN, BS, CEN
MNAF Chair
The Minnesota Nurses Association Foundation (MNAF) is now accepting scholarship applications for MNA Members or Associate Members in good standing for the 2020-2021 academic year. As Chair of MNAF, it is a great honor to give these scholarships to deserving MNA members!
Our recent Educator of the Year award was presented to Yisehak Tura, MS, RN, OCN, who received one of our scholarships and now teaches nurses. What a way to pay it forward! He is still an active Union Member who works part-time as a bedside nurse as well.
Many nurses who have given so much to MNA can also encourage their dependents to apply for the MNA legacy scholarships. Brookwood Labor College scholarship and certification monies are coming soon as well for those who don’t have that available in their contracts.
The application deadline for these scholarships is May 20, 2020. No applications will be reviewed if they are incomplete as of the deadline date.
In addition to scholarships, MNAF also provides grants for Members conducting scholarly research. Application deadlines for the 2020 year are January 1, April 1, June 1, and October 1.
I encourage MNA Members to apply for these opportunities to take full advantage of being a Union Nurse. We are the best and the brightest!
Visit https://mnnurses.org/resources/mnaf/ for more details.